Sustainable Pavement Information Modelling: a BIM-based tool for life cycle management of road pavements
Sustainable Pavement Information Modelling: a BIM-based tool for life cycle management of road pavements
CEAR-03/A Strade, Ferrovie ed Aeroporti
Importo progetto
204 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
90 k€
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Salvatore Antonio Biancardo
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Salvatore Antonio Biancardo
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Salvatore Antonio Biancardo, Gianluca Dell’Acqua
Sustainable Pavement Information Modelling wants to allow BIM platforms to sustainably conceive the design and management of Italian road pavements. The BIM approach, which considers structural and functional parameters during the infrastructure’s life cycle (design, construction, management, end of life), will be upgraded to include sustainability performance parameters. Their quantitative definition will be based on life cycle techniques: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for the environmental impact, Life Cycle Costing (LCC) for the economic implications, and Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) for the social impact. The integration among these techniques, together with the use of existing Pavement Management Systems (PMS), suitably integrated with the BIM environment, will allow the road agencies to design, build, and manage road pavements in their whole life cycle by using a BIM platform applying multi-criteria decision-making processes considering technical and functional parameters alongside life cycle sustainability performance indicators.
ANAS S.p.A., Associazione Italiana per l’ingegneria del Traffico (AIIT), CAD Connect S.a.S., Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering (AACHEN), Sierra Soft S.r.l., Transporation Research Board subcommittee on BIM for Infrastructure (AED80.1), University of California (UCDAVIS), University of Palermo (UNIPA).
Erasmus+ USGAT
Unleashing sustainable growth through applied technologies
CEAR-12/A Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ex ICAR/20)
Importo progetto
799 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
65 k€
36 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Manuel Fernandez-Grela
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Carmela Gargiulo, Gerardo Carpentieri
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Floriana Zucaro, Carmen Guida
Il progetto mira a migliorare le capacità didattiche dei partner Sudamericani (Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador e Perù) attraverso l’implementazione di un nuovo programma di master universitario che sviluppi percorsi di formazione in collegamento con le istituzioni locali, incrementi il livello di digitalizzazione e implementi una crescita economica sostenibile dei contesti territoriali coinvolti. I quattro partner europei (University of Santiago De Compostela, Ayeconomics Research Centre, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II e Università degli Studi di Salerno) mirano a trasferire conoscenze e competenze ai colleghi Sudamericani, aiutandoli nello strutturare le attività didattiche del master ed ospitare i loro studenti e docenti presso le loro sedi e laboratori in Europa.
University of Santiago De Compostela (Spain); University of Naples Federico II (Italy); Ayeconomics Research Centre (Spain); University of Salerno (Italy); University Tecnológica del Chocó (Colombia); Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca (Colombia); Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina); Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina); Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil (Ecuador); Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena (Ecuador); Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Ecuador); National University of the Center of Peru (Perú); National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga (Perú); ONG Descocentro (Perú)
SHARE_Africa: Science Hubs for Advanced Research & Education with Africa
ICAR/02 – Costruzioni Idrauliche e Marittime e Idrologia
Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 – Componente 1 “Potenziamento dell’offerta dei servizi all’istruzione: dagli asili nido all’università” – Investimento 3.4 “Didattica e competenze universitarie avanzate”, Sotto-investimento T4 “Iniziative Transnazionali in materia di istruzione”, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU.
Next GenerationEU e Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Importo progetto
1.834 k€ per IHEA Foundation di cui 533 k € per UNINA
Finanziamento per DICEA
218 k€
18 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Eugenio Gaudio – President of IHEA Foundation
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda, Cristina Caramiello.
In line with the strategic objective of internationalisation assigned by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan to the Italian academia and the EU vision on science diplomacy as an asset of international cooperation, the Science Hubs for Advanced Research & Education with Africa (SHARE_Africa) project is designed based on the experience of the Italian Higher Education with Africa Foundation (IHEA Foundation) since its launching in October 2020.
SHARE_Africa is structured to empower peer-to-peer scientific cooperation between 6 Italian Universities (University of Bologna, University of Florence, University of Naples “Federico II”, University of Padua, “Sapienza” University of Rome and Politecnico di Milano) and a number of African Higher Education Institutions. The track record of IHEA Foundation boasts a Specialising Master in Ethiopia (60 ECTS) and 5 Intensive Advanced Courses in Tunisia and Ethiopia targeting more than 130 young academicians in 2 years. The asset of the existing relationships and the current records of activities, combined with considerations strategic for Italy in terms of foreign affairs policy, international cooperation strategies, migration policies and industrial interest, led IHEA Foundation to identify the MENA Region and the Horn of Africa, with focal Hubs in Tunisia and Ethiopia, as the target regions.
The vision underlying SHARE_Africa aligns with the AU-EU strategies on Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI), as remarked by the Joint Africa Europe Strategy (JAES) since 2008, later operationalized in the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on STI, and lastly reflected in the recent adoption of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda, which identifies ‘Capacity for Science’ as one of the 4 key thematic areas.
The overall objective (OO) of SHARE-Africa is to promote the birth of Italo-African Science Hubs to sustain long-term cooperation in Education and Research between the Italian and African Academic Systems by means of joint Education and Research Ambassadors while providing policy recommendation to empowering science diplomacy within the broader cooperation between Italy and Africa
Specific Objective 1 (SO1). To Empower Innovative Education Potential within local Academic institutions via a process of mutual learning.
Specific Objective 2 (SO2). To foster an effective and international research capacity for PhD candidates to promote further joint research initiative, co-tutorship, co-authorship and the share of open source instruments.
IHEA Foundation, University of Bologna (UNIBO), University of Florence (UNIFI), University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), University of Padua (UNIPD), Sapienza University of Rome (UNIROMA Sapienza).
Future Rail Tourism
ICAR/05 – Trasporti
Progetto di ricerca
UIC (Union Internationale des Chemins de fer)
Importo progetto
Finanziamento per DICEA
40.000,00 €
Responsabile scientifico
Francesca Pagliara
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesca Pagliara
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
The project aims to identify and analyze the factors influencing the future of rail tourism in the coming years. This project’s objective is to explore changes in rail tourism and recommend strategies for stakeholders to enhance rail tourism in its heterogeneous ways.
GRID – Geotechnical Resilience through Intelligent Design
CEAR-05/A – Geotecnica
Importo progetto
1.242 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
193 k€
4 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Enrico Soranzo (BOKU Vienna)
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Emilio Bilotta
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Emilio Bilotta, Filomena de Silva, Alessandro Flora, Ferdinando Marinelli, Gianpiero Russo, Francesco Silvestri
Our proposed research initiative seeks to propel machine learning into the forefront of geotechnical engineering, with a vision to address critical challenges and revolutionise the field for the betterment of society. The overarching goals of our project align with the need to confront uncertainty, combat climate change through zero carbon emission strategies, address soil parameter heterogeneity, expedite finite element (FE) calculations e.g., for reliability analyses, and enhance design efficiency to reduce material consumption, particularly in the context of concrete. By undertaking this multidimensional approach, our research aims not only to apply machine learning in geotechnical engineering but to fundamentally transform the field, ushering in a new era of efficiency, sustainability and resilience. Through collaboration and innovation, we aspire to make machine learning an integral and indispensable tool for addressing the complex challenges faced by geotechnical practitioners in the 21st century.
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU, AT), University of Naples Federico II (UNINA, IT), Norges Geotekniske Insitutt (NGI, NO), Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM, DE), Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC, PT), ETS srl (IT), GGU Zentrale Verwaltung GMBH (GGU, DE), University College Cork National University of Ireland (UCC, IE), HDAnalytics (HDA, AT), University of Leeds (UNIVLEEDS, UK), Universitad Nacional de San Juan (UNSJ, AR), Hong Kong Politechnic University (CN).
MetaCCaze: Flexibly adapted MetaInnovations, use cases, collaborative business and governance models to accelerate deployment of smart and shared Zero Emission mobility for passengers and freight
ICAR/05 – Trasporti
Horizon Europe
Importo progetto
24.725 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
353 k€
4 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Tamara Djukic (ERTICO)
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Andrea Papola, Vincenzo Punzo
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Andrea Papola, Vincenzo Punzo, Vittorio Marzano, Fulvio Simonelli, Marcello Montanino
The project is coordinated by ERTICO and builds on the expertise of 44 partners from 12 European countries, paving the way for an electric, automated and connected urban mobility transition. In the four trailblazer cities – Amsterdam, Munich, Limassol, and Tampere, cutting-edge technologies that support zero emission mobility solutions for passenger and freight will be tested and demonstrated. Successful technologies and activities will be shared and implemented to six follower cities – Athens, Krakow, Gozo, Milan, Miskolc, and Poissy, Paris.
The main objective of the metaCCAZE project is to accelerate the deployment of smart systems that combine electric, automated and connected technologies and infrastructure, enabling zero-emission shared mobility services for both passengers and goods in European cities.
Transport is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and accounts for more than 30% of the total energy consumption. A significant shift from conventional vehicles to well-integrated, energy efficient, connected, automated and user-centered passenger and freight services is required to reach climate neutrality and secure the transport and energy sectors.
DARE2CYCLE – Dairy Waste and Residues Upcycling into Microbial Protein
CEAR-02/A (ex ICAR/03) – Ingegneria sanitaria-ambientale
Horizon Europe – Cofunded
MASAF – Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali
Importo progetto
1.888 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
220 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Silvio Matassa
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Silvio Matassa
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Silvio Matassa, Stefano Papirio, Giovanni Esposito
DARE2CYCLE aims to boost the European protein supply while contributing to a more sustainable and resilient dairy and agriculture sector. It plans to do this by developing a biorefinery system that sources alternative proteins from overabundant dairy waste and residues through efficient and safe recovery and upcycling processes. In DARE2CYCLE, waste such as leftover whey, waste milk and manure, will be converted into useful alternative protein also known as microbial protein. This protein can be used in animal feed, human food, and even in making biodegradable plastics for food packaging. The project involves a complementary consortium of research and industry partners spanning across six European countries and connecting the dairy and alternative protein value chains together.
University of Naples Federico II (Italy), University of Galway (Ireland), Fraunhofer Institute (Germany), King’s College London (United Kingdom), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway), EniferBIO (Finland), TINE AS (Norway).
Definition of a guidelines handbook to implement climate neutrality by improving ecosystem service effectiveness in rural and urban areas
CEAR-12/A Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ex ICAR/20)
PRIN Bando 2022 PNRR
Next GenerationEU e Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Importo progetto
298 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
101 k€
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Corrado Zoppi
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Carmela Gargiulo
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Gerardo Carpentieri, Floriana Zucaro, Romano Fistola, Tonia Stiuso
Il progetto di ricerca si propone di sviluppare un nuovo approccio metodologico per quantificare gli impatti delle politiche governo del territorio a scala urbana e territoriale volte all’individuazione dei servizi ecosistemici (ES) e al favorire politiche di risparmio energetico, con l’obiettivo finale di promuovere la neutralità climatica e l’adattamento sia nelle aree rurali che urbane.
Università degli Studi di Cagliari (UNICA), Università della Basilicata (UNIBAS), Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (UNINA).
CHANCES – An integrated modeling approach for mitigating climate CHANge effects through enhanCEd weathering in Southern Italy
ICAR/02 – Costruzioni Idrauliche e Marittime e Idrologia
Next GenerationEU e Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Importo progetto
297.5 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
89 k€
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Leonardo Noto
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda, Afshin Johanshahi, Awais Naeem Sarwar, Felice Daniele Pacia
The urgent need to take action to combat climate change has led to the development of different kinds of strategies, such as some Carbon Dioxide Removal techniques, which are mostly devoted to sequestering atmospheric carbon and storing it in more stable forms within existing rocks, oceans, vegetation or other terrestrial environments. Enhanced Weathering (EW) is considered one of the most promising techniques, which consists of amending soils with silicate minerals (i.e., olivine) since they are highly reactive with CO2 and worldwide extensively available. A key role in the dissolution of these minerals, hence in their reaction rate with CO2, is played by soil water content dynamics, which, apart from rainfall, are affected by soil and vegetation types. EW dynamics are also strongly influenced by soil mineral composition, which affects the pH levels before olivine amendment and, in turn, its dissolution rate. Olivine dissolution and carbon sequestration dynamics are strongly controlled by rainfall dynamics as well as soil processes and crop cycles. Starting from these considerations, the present project aims to understand which of controlling factors are mostly connected to changes in EW time dynamics, allowing us to define the most suitable combined characteristics of climate, soil, and vegetation to host a possible EW intervention in the cropland areas of Southern Italy, where the agricultural sector is a relevant one. Other than that, the project aims to assess future changes in EW dynamics due to future climatic scenarios, given that these could result in different precipitation patterns. The future climatic scenarios will be defined by the research unit (RU) of the Univ. della Calabria and is part of Milestone 1 (MS1). The large-scale hydrologic modeling, which includes different evapotranspiration models for various crops, will be treated by the Univ. di Napoli Federico II RU (Milestone 2 – MS2). Part of the first two milestones will be used as input to simulate soil biogeochemical processes and olivine dissolution and carbon sequestration dynamics at the scale of the Italian territory under a variety of possible future climatic conditions, by the Univ. di Palermo RU, achieving Milestone 3 (MS3). These reproductions may also be useful for uncertainty quantification of carbon sequestration estimates. Lastly, the Milestone 4 (MS4) consists of optimizing the crop strategies, considering the differences in terms of climate, soil, and crop types, in the context of EW and will be jointly carried out by all RUs. The same milestone will consist of the evaluation of the total carbon sequestration potential of southern Italy by applying EW to different fractions of the cropland areas; indications of the best olivine amendment strategy that copes with climate change effects, will also be provided.
Università degli Studi di Palermo (UNIPA), Università della Calabria (UNICAL),Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (UNINA).
RiverWatch: a citizen-science approach to river pollution monitoring
ICAR/02 – Costruzioni Idrauliche e Marittime e Idrologia
PRIN: Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale – Bando 2022
Next GenerationEU e Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Importo progetto
294 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
99 k€
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Flavia Tauro
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda, Domenico Miglino, Khim Cathleen Saddi, Aung Chit Moe, Cristina Caramiello.
Under unprecedented pressure from urbanization and climate change, an ever increasing number of streams worldwide fails to meet good ecological status, thus threatening water quality and ecology, and severely impacting our territories. In this vein, RiverWatch aims to develop a new disruptive monitoring infrastructure for river systems focused on the transport of buoyant plastics, woody material, and floating pollution. The infrastructure will build on current knowledge in image-based hydrological monitoring to explore novel advancements in unsupervised computer vision techniques for environmental analyses. RiverWatch will exploit camera systems on fixed stations as well as volunteer smartphones to build a dense network of monitoring stations potentially along any river system in the world. This may help to overcome the current limitations in the management and maintenance of high cost installations and at the same time allow us to expand our monitoring capabilities. Towards establishing a robust infrastructure, RiverWatch will focus on the Sarno River to develop a dense monitoring system based on cutting-edge unsupervised computer vision. Notably, the Sarno River is the most polluted river in Europe and a challenging and socially disadvantaged environment to establish monitoring networks. A custom-built mobile app as well as advanced image-based algorithms will be developed to process footage captured by citizens and fixed cameras and collected at a remote server. Image-based algorithms will enable analysis of the river flow along with the estimation of surface pollutants discharge and their characterization. Such data will be published in close to real-time on a web-Gis online platform featuring a storymap and a public database. High-frequency data at several locations in the drainage network will facilitate implementation of simple modeling tools to describe and forecast pollutant transport in the Sarno watershed. RiverWatch objectives will be achieved through the harmonized effort of a multidisciplinary research team with a past experience of collaboration in environmental monitoring through computer vision and machine learning as well as citizen science. The transformative potential of the project is expected to enrich the monitoring tools currently available to National Hydrometric Services and Environmental Agencies worldwide by providing an easy-to-use and inexpensive approach to quantitatively assess river pollution. Finally, RiverWatch will stimulate new research on the pollution dynamics in river watersheds and on the interactions of pollutant transport with climate and anthropic agents.
University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), University of Tuscia (UNITUS), University of Bologna (UNIBO), University for Foreigners of Perugia (UNISTRAPG).
OurMED – Sustainable water storage and distribution in the Mediterranean
ICAR/02 – Costruzioni Idrauliche e Marittime e Idrologia
PRIMA Project
Importo progetto
4.400 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
230 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Seifeddine Jomaa
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda, Domenico Pianese, Francesco de Paola, Luigi Cimorelli, Francesco Pugliese, Domenico Miglino, Khim Cathleen Saddi, Awais Naeem Sarwar, Nunzio Marrone, Cristina Caramiello.
OurMED is a PRIMA-funded project. The overall objective of OurMED is to design and explore innovative and sustainable storage and distribution systems tightly integrated into ecosystem management at the river basin scale. This is achieved by the combination of scientific and local knowledge, emerging from new and long-lasting spaces for social learning among interdependent stakeholders, society actors and scientific researchers in eight local and one regional MED demo sites. OurMED vision is to address this “last mile” not only by technologically advanced monitoring techniques, smart modelling and optimization capabilities, but also by providing data fusion and integrated digital twin technologies in order to make optimized solutions easy to use for decision-making. OurMED intends, also, to enable participatory information sharing and multi-sectoral stakeholder engagement ultimately helping related SDG challenges. OurMED aims to reinforce scientific-based equitable water management in the Mediterranean region, especially under increasingly pressing future anthropogenic and climate conditions, learning from the impacts of historical extreme events experienced by the demonstration sites during the last decades. To ensure upscaling and replicability of tailored solutions to other countries, the entire Mediterranean basin is considered as a separate demonstration site, with particular focus and investigation on essential water-ecosystem variables, systematic monitoring and data sharing, as well as policy examination towards multi-sectorial and sustainable water management and efficient governance at the regional scale. The long-term objective of the OurMED project is to establish guidelines and develop demonstrable test cases towards optimum and equitable water storage and distribution in the Mediterranean region.
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH (RSS), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Idrica (IDRICA), Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector (SEMIDE), La Tour du Valat (TdV), Technical University of Crete (TUC), Università di Parma (UNIPR), University of Sassari (UNISS), University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), Living Planet Morocco (LPM), AgroInsider (AGRI), Higher School of Engineering of Medjez El Bab (ESIM), Boğaziçi University (BU)
INSITE – Integrated Shared Knowledge: from Geo-Paleontological Heritage to Present Territorial Challenges
CEAR-12/A Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ex ICAR/20)
PRIN 2022 non PNRR
Importo progetto
226 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
126 k€
2 anni (18 ottobre 2023 – 18 ottobre 2025)
Responsabile scientifico
Rosa Anna La Rocca
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Rosa Anna La Rocca
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Rosa Anna La Rocca, Romano Fistola, Stella Pennino, Ida Zingariello
This project starts from the consideration that the study of cultural heritage needs different approaches and new interpretative visions and that this change primarily concerns the significance of its valorization. Based on this consideration, the project focuses on the geo-paleontological heritage and develops two principal phases: 1) knowledge phase aimed at pointing out a shared information basis between the different expertise involved. 2) action phase aimed to make a support decision tool for valorizating the geo-paleontological areas of Ciampate del Diavolo (LCD) and Petraroja (PTJ) in Campania region. The two sites were selected for their scientific value that embraces various thematic areas paleoanthropological, geophysical, etc. PTJ (Benevento) is known as the place where the fossil of Scypionix Samniticus was found. The LCD ichnosite (Caserta) preserves elements that allow behavioral and structural evaluations of hominins of the middle Pleistocene. The in-depth study of the cultural interactions between the two mentioned sites is both a multi-thematic challenge, and an opportunity to integrate the paleontological processes with the territorial analysis, also exploiting the uniqueness of the territorial context that could be part of an extensive sustainable tourist system. INSITE aspires to integrate with each other different scientific expertise of research. This willingness of multisectoral approach is a basic condition for the whole project because of the commitment that this is the main way to ripen awareness of cultural heritage potentiality, not exclusively referring to economic values. The acronym INSITE tries to trigger this message: to recognize the intrinsic value of the geo-paleontological sites and to expand the spectrum of interest around them, achieving their potential value within the territorial context. Often, only specialized sectors can enjoy these elements of the cultural heritage; to overcome this limit INSITE intends to promote the fruition of these sites to a wider range of users. To this end, it also considers developing two levels of actions: a) dissemination level aimed to spread out the knowledge and the awareness of this heritage; b) implementation level oriented to the involvement and collaboration among stakeholders, decision makers and local communities. The expected positive externalities of INSITE also link to the objectives of the new PNRR, particularly referring to the valorization of the cultural heritage and the revitalization of historical burgs. Two research units are engaged in the project and, with their own specificity, they will work closely connected. The unit of Università di Napoli Federico II focuses on territorial planning aspects; the unit of Università degli Studi del Sannio di Benevento focuses on geo-paleontological aspects. The two units are integrated by the support of experts in dissemination (CNR), archeology (University of Cassino), natural hazards (INGV).
University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), National Institute of Geology and Vulcanology (INGV), National Council of Research (CNR), University of Cassino (UNICAS).
Air + HSR project
ICAR/05 – Trasporti
Progetto di ricerca
UIC (Union Internationale des Chemins de fer)
Importo progetto
Finanziamento per DICEA
17 k€
12 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Francesca Pagliara
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesca Pagliara
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
The global framework centers on improving coordination and cooperation between air and rail transportation, particularly in Europe, the USA, and China. It aligns with the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) development goals and draws inspiration from successful historical integration examples. The project’s framework encompasses analysis, customer experience enhancement, optimization, solution development, program creation, and synthesis to guide future initiatives globally.
FAIR MOIRAE – Framework to Assess Infrastructure Resilience and Management Operations In Roads After Earthquake
CEAR-05/A – Geotecnica
Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Importo progetto
240 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
151 k€
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Filomena de Silva
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Filomena de Silva
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Filomena de Silva, Luigi Pariota, Sara Coffarelli, Francesco Dionisio
Rethinking the built environment in the frame of a resilient-based approach is a challenging transformation and one of the main goals of contemporary communities, in which the role of civil engineering is crucial. The FAIR MOIRAE project is aimed to contribute to this process through a framework to calculate the resilience of transportation networks against disastrous natural events. The transportation network is composed of nodes and links. The latter are often composed by key components, such as viaducts, tunnels, embankments and retaining structures, whose response under disastrous events is crucial to ensure the network functionality. The study of transportation systems is so complex that most of the existing works quantify the resilience (i) of key components, neglecting the impact on the network, or (ii) of the network assuming the closure of key components, but completely neglecting the responsible hazardous event. Taking advantages of the different expertise required to fulfill all the aspects of the problem, the young team of geotechnical and transportation engineers proposes in the FIAR MOIRAE a framework that bridges the existing gap between the evaluation of the resilience of key components and network. Particular attention is given to the geotechnical components because their fragility has been poorly investigated up to date nevertheless they are the most frequent components in transportation networks.The methodology includes numerous analyses whose results will be exploited to generate fragility curves of the key components. The latter are combined with hazard scenario to estimate damage, functionality loss and restoration time through scales defined within the project. The outcomes will be applied to individuate the arches of the net partially or fully closed during the recovery. The resulting configuration of the network will be analyzed to calculate the resilience indicators. The framework will be implemented in a tool to estimate the resilience of networks from hazard scenarios.The framework and the tool are conceived to be applied to all the transportation networks and hazard type, but this project demonstrates its applicability with reference to road networks under earthquake. The tool could be exploited by network administrators to evaluate the effectiveness of different options in reducing losses due to transportation-system disruption. Similarly, civil protection may use the tool in near real time after disastrous events, to promptly plan interventions and reduce traffic congestion. Both applications are in line with the objectives n°1 and n°6 of the strategic theme “Environment Quality” – cluster 3 “Civil security for society” – of the Horizon Europe 2021-2027. As a matter of fact, the Moirae managed the destiny in the ancient Greece and the acronym FAIR MOIRAE recalls the aim of the project to contribute to a safer destiny of the Italian transportation infrastructures.
Università della Calabria, Politecnico di Bari.
BIOCORE – BIOlogical COmpact REactors for combined C, N and P removal from wastewater
CEAR02A (ex ICAR/03) – Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale
Importo progetto
253.748 €
Finanziamento per DICEA
130.880 €
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Giovanni Esposito
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Giovanni Esposito
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Giovanni Esposito
The discharge of municipal wastewater from urban agglomerates and rural areas can strongly impact water quality in superficial water bodies such as rivers and lakes, leading to adverse effects on the environment and human health. The contribution of rural areas to water pollution is often underestimated, resulting in higher discharge limits being set at regional level for small communities. Adopting a complete wastewater treatment cycle is a costly task for small wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), which usually rely on a conventional activated sludge system removing mainly organic carbon (Corg) from wastewater. BIOCORE offers a new perspective for wastewater treatment in small communities, as it has the objective to develop and validate an innovative, compact, and cost-effective technology that will help small communities to significantly reduce their impact on the carbon and nutrient balance of the receiving superficial water bodies. The project will develop a novel bioreactor based on the moving bed bioreactor (MBBR) system, which will be operated under intermittent aeration (IA) conditions to allow the simultaneous removal of Corg, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) through simultaneous nitrification denitrification coupled to P removal (SNDPR). This has been successfully tested at lab-scale by the members of the BIOCORE consortium, resulting in efficient and low-cost operation, but needs further research towards optimization, upscaling, and application. BIOCORE will advance the development of the novel IAMBBR technology through 1) modeling of the IAMBBR to optimize the shortcut SNDPR process, 2) numerical and physical modelling of the hydrodynamic flow field of the IAMBBR, 3) testing the IAMBBR with real wastewater, and 4) upscaling the IAMBBR up to TRL 5-6. BIOCORE will pursue these objectives in two years through the implementation of four work packages equally shared between the two participating partners, UNINA and UNICLAM. UNINA will build, calibrate, and validate a mathematical model simulating the SNDPR process in the IAMBBR based on previous lab-scale experimental campaigns. Moreover, UNINA will design, implement, and operate the IAMBBR at lab- and pilot-scale, allowing to test the system performance with real wastewater and operating environment, which will unravel potential detrimental impacts of low-biodegradable organic matter and upscaling on the reactor performance. UNICLAM will investigate the hydrodynamic field of the IAMBBR through computational fluid dynamic (CFD) and Particle Image Velocimetry – Laser Induced Fluorescence (PIV-LIT) techniques under different operating conditions to optimize biomass and substrate distribution and further improve reactor performance. Through the complementary and coordinated efforts of the two partners, BIOCORE will allow upscaling and TRL advancement of the proposed technology and enable its future commercialization and implementation in WWTPs serving small communities worldwide.
Università di Napoli Federico II (UNINA), Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (UNICLAM)
CEAR-08/A – Architettura Tecnica
CEAR-05/A – Geotecnica
IMAT-01/A – Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali
Finanziamento della Ricerca di Ateneo 2022
Importo progetto
60 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
53 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Veronica Vitiello
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Veronica Vitiello
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Veronica Vitiello, Roberto Castelluccio, Massimo Ramondini
The research aims to develop a protocol for the diagnosis and monitoring of the impacts generated by excavation phases on archaeological ruins. The project aims to apply a conservative and non-invasive methodological approach that: starts from the characterisation of both the wall structures still buried and the covering soils; indirectly determines possible forms of degradation linked to environmental exposure; identifies preliminary mitigation interventions for the risk factors for the physical-chemical degradation of the ruins; applies traditional and innovative conservation solutions; develops the monitoring plan aimed at analysing the evolutionary dynamics of the ‘health’ conditions of the ruins within the different interactions with the external environment.
University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
ARCLeakS – Aquifers Recharge and Contamination by Leaking Sewers
CEAR-01/B (ex ICAR/02) – Costruzioni Idrauliche e Marittime e Idrologia
European Union – NextGeneration EU
Importo progetto
239’978 €
Finanziamento per DICEA
128’328 €
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Andrea D’Aniello
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Andrea D’Aniello
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Andrea D’Aniello, Luigi Cimorelli, Domenico Pianese, Dina Pirone
The ARCLeakS (Aquifers Recharge and Contamination by Leaking Sewers) project aims to fill the existing theoretical and practical knowledge gap on the fate of contaminants originating from leaking sewers in the subsurface of urban environments. The objective of the project is to gain additional knowledge to support managing authorities, water companies, industries, practitioners, and researchers to better identify and quantify urban aquifers physical and chemical alterations, so as to improve the management of the available water resource and to prevent adverse effects on natural resources, the built environment, and human health, like soil and groundwater contamination, flooding of underground spaces, diffusion of pathogens, etc. Indeed, urban aquifers recharge and contamination from water utilities is usually inferred from water balance calculations at the catchment scale, not always supported by piezometry and chemical signature analysis. However, the complexity of urban environments and the scarcity of data make it difficult to discriminate the effects of leaking sewers among the numerous potential sources of recharge and contamination that might exist in urban areas (e.g., other leaking water utilities, stormwater infiltration facilities, irrigation of gardens and parks, infiltration from paved surfaces, septic tanks, etc.). Hence, these analyses can be affected by a high degree of uncertainty and there is a risk that the amount of water leaked from water utilities simply becomes a calibration parameter to find closure for water balance calculations. Therefore, the project aims to better understand how wastewater and stormwater leaked from sewers interact with the numerous anthropogenic features present in the subsurface with the aid of high-resolution modeling of both surface and subsurface related phenomena. Predicting the migration pathways of wastewater and stormwater in the subsurface can potentially lead to improved monitoring and remedial actions for the management of existing utilities and for the protection of urban groundwater. With this information, the location of piezometers and water quality sensors could be optimized to better monitor and interpret pressure and quality alterations within urban aquifers that could help locate and quantify leaks, thus enabling faster and more accurate interventions (e.g., soil/groundwater treatment and remediation, pipes repair and rehabilitation). The expected result is to obtain useful additional knowledge and to bridge this towards a wide spectrum of stakeholders, from managing authorities to water companies, industries and decision makers, as well as to practitioners and researchers.
University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), University of Naples Parthenope (UNIPARTHENOPE)
EXPRESS – EXploring fish waste Potential for the integrated generation of RESourceS
CEAR 02/a – Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale
PRIN 2022
Importo progetto
242.010 €
Finanziamento per DICEA
44.752 €
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Debora Fino
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Alessandra Cesaro
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Alessandra Cesaro, Samuel Ahrin (Assegnista di ricerca)
EXPRESS will develop a novel, integrated biorefinery, with low-temperature processes, fully powered with electricity, to recover high-value compounds and hydrogen from fishery wastes and bioproducts, which are a potential source of hydrolysed proteins, fatty acids, enzymes. More specifically, the project aims to obtain energy from secondary raw materials, within the frame of a circular economy model, transforming wastes and by-products into added-value products.
FAO estimates about 180 M tons of live weight from catch and aquaculture, with 25% to 70% of by-products such as viscera, heads, scales, bones and shells. A Biorefinery shifts the paradigm from fossil to renewable biological sources; the EXPRESS project adds the further challenge of using low temperature and fully electrified processes, combining biological processes such as fermentation, photo-fermentation, anaerobic digestion, and bio-electrochemical processes in an integrated approach.
In the biorefinery scheme of EXPRESS, soft parts, such as fish viscera and filleting residues, as well as the organic fraction of mollusc wastes will be processed by (photo)fermentation approaches and enzymatic hydrolysis to obtain protein hydrolysates, bioactive peptides, omega-3 rich oils and medium chain fatty acids. The effluent will be sent to a separation section or to other processes to produce hydrogen and poly-β-hydroxybutyrate. The separation section of EXPRESS will exploit low-temperature processes to purify streams from the upstream processes. Dialysis and electrodialysis will be also considered. The lean streams of the biorefinery will be processed in the energy carrier generation section, where fermentation will be combined with microbial electrolysis to obtain hydrogen. A final process of anaerobic digestion will exploit the remaining energy content of the biorefinery residues.
The proposed approach meets the requirements of the main EU and national strategies, addressing an innovative platform to implement the Circular Economy principles in fish waste management.
Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (UNINA), Università degli Studi di Bologna (UNIBO), Università degli Studi di Cagliari (UNICA), Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIPM)
SISMAIR – ASsessment of seismic Induced Settlements of Multi lAyered soils and mItigation Risk actions
CEAR-05/A (ICAR/07) – Geotecnica
FRA – Programma per il Finanziamento della Ricerca di Ateneo – Linea C
Ateneo – University of Naples Federico II (UNINA)
Importo progetto
30 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
30 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Lucia Mele
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Lucia Mele
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Lucia Mele, Alessandro Flora
Urban areas situated in geological environments prone to elevated pore pressures are particularly vulnerable to earthquake-induced damage. During seismic events, the rapid generation of pore water pressure in the soil significantly reduces its shear strength and stiffness, leading to unexpected settlements that can compromise the functionality of infrastructure. Existing methods for predicting earthquake-induced settlements are largely empirical, based on limited experimental data, and fail to fully account for the complexity of in-situ conditions. Current research aims to provide new insights into the generation of pore water pressure during earthquakes, particularly focusing on the interaction between soil layers with varying permeability. Additionally, the research will explore innovative countermeasures to mitigate settlements under shallow foundations. Among these, Induced Partial Saturation (IPS)—a novel, environmentally friendly technique—will be highlighted. IPS involves the injection of air (in the form of occluded bubbles) into the pore water of coarser soils to reduce excess pore pressure buildup, thereby limiting seismic-induced settlements.
The outcomes of this research are expected to significantly advance the design of shallow foundations in seismic areas, providing a practical, sustainable solution through the application of IPS technology.
University of Naples Federico II (UNINA)
Erasmus+ CirculEC
CEAR-12/A Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ex ICAR/20)
ERASMUS+ Key Action2
Importo progetto
708K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
46K €
36 mesi
Responsabile scientifico progetto
East Kazakhstan Technical University
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Lilli Grgiulo, Gerardo carpentieri
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Floriana Zucaro
At its core, CirculEC aims to revamp existing curricula and modules within HEIs to align with the principles of circular economy. By updating disciplines tailored to the specific needs of Kazakhstan (KZ), Turkmenistan (TKM), Tajikistan (TJ), and Uzbekistan (UZ), the project ensures that educational offerings are finely attuned to the unique contexts of each country.Through targeted interventions and capacity-building activities, CirculEC will empower HEIs to lead the charge in fostering a culture of sustainability and innovation. By cultivating a generation of graduates equipped with cutting-edge knowledge and practical skills, the project envisions a future where Central Asian countries thrive in harmony with their ecosystems while meeting the demands of a rapidly evolving global economy.
Sito Web
D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University; Sh. Ualikhanov Atyndagy Kokshetau Memlekettik Universiteti; The Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management; Technological University of Tajikistan; Alikhan Bokeikhan University; Toshkent Shahridagi Xalqaro Westminster Universiteti; Tajik State University of Commerce; Central Asian University Mchj; Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz; Turkmen State Institute of Finance; Turkmenistan Ylymlar Akademiyasy; Tailor Made Engineering Solution; Universidad De Santiago de Compostela; Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; Fachhochschule Des Mittelstandes (FHM) GMBH – University of Applied Science
MedInCircle – Future-proofing the Mediterranean agri-food chain through integrated and circular management of contaminant-safe water, nutrients and bioresources
ICAR/03 – Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale
Importo progetto
980K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
488K €
36 mesi
Responsabile scientifico progetto
Giovanni Esposito
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Giovanni Esposito
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Nell’area Mediterranea il nesso tra cambiamenti climatici, ridotta disponibilità idrica e (in)sicurezza alimentare può condurre a conseguenze molto gravi. Il comparto agro-alimentare è particolarmente esposto e richiede urgentemente lo sviluppo e l’applicazione di soluzioni innovative ed eco-efficienti. In quest’ottica il progetto MedInCircle è finalizzato a superare lo stato dell’arte della gestione circolare dell’acqua, dei nutrienti e delle biorisorse, promuovendo la transizione verso una catena agro-alimentare più sostenibile e resiliente. Più nello specifico, il progetto MedInCircle mira allo sviluppo di una piattaforma tecnologica integrata e modulare finalizzata al trattamento, recupero e valorizzazione delle acque reflue e dei rifiuti solidi prodotti dalle attività agro-alimentari tipiche del Mediterraneo.
Sito Web
National Research Centre (Egitto), Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Francia), Institut de Chimie des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers (Francia), Istanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi (Turchia) and Izmir Institute of Technology (Turchia)
STEP UP – Walkability for Women in Milan
ICAR/20 – Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica
Fondazione Cariplo
Importo progetto
198K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
42K €
12 mesi
Responsabile scientifico progetto
Giovanni Massimo Bottini
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Gerardo Carpentieri, Floriana Zucaro
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Gerardo Carpentieri, Carmen Guida, Nicola Guida, Carmela Gargiulo, Sabrina Sgambati, Floriana Zucaro
STEP UP – “Walkability for Women in Milan” focuses on the needs and expectations of women while walking. Women experience the city differently than men, in part because they are more concerned with security issues related to aggression and harassment. Personal safety affects both choice and experience of transport. These constraints take the form of precautionary or avoidance behaviours due to fear of violence, perception of risk, and sense of vulnerability (e.g., suppressed, re-routed or delayed walking trips, etc.), as a major inhibitor of mobility for women in public spaces especially at nighttime. In recognition of these challenges, STEP UP aims to assess the level of walkability for women focusing on the case study of Milan, Italy.
Sito Web
Fondazione Transform Transport ETS (Italy), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy), Sex and the City APS (Italy), Walk21 Foundation (UK)
P09 GRINS – Growing Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable – Spoke 7
P09 GRINS – Growing Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Codice Progetto MUR: PE00000018
Spoke 7 – Territorial sustainability
CEAR-05/A – Geotecnica; CEAR-03/B – Trasporti; CEAR-09/A Progettazione architettonica; CEAR-03/C Estimo
Partenariato esteso PNRR -Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza
Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Importo progetto
144.47 M€
Finanziamento per DICEA
528 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Coordinatore di Spoke Angela Stefania Bergantino Economia Applicata – UNIBA ( (ECON-01/A)
Responsabile scientifico DICEA-DIARC
Anna d’Onofrio (CEAR-05/A)
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Anna d’Onofrio (CEAR-05/A), Francesca Pagliara (CEAR-03/B), Gaetano Falcone (CEAR-05/A)
Il progetto GRINS (Growing Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable) mira a rafforzare la resilienza socioeconomica in Italia sviluppando AMELIA, una piattaforma di dati avanzata supportata da strumenti di analisi statistica. Il progetto è articolato in tre aree principali:
– resilienza degli attori socioeconomici (Spokes 1-3);
– sviluppo di strategie e politiche per la finanza sostenibile, l’economia circolare e le politiche a basse emissioni di carbonio volte a migliorare la resilienza alle crisi e sostenere le transizioni ecologiche (Spokes 4-6);
– Sostenibilità territoriale e sociale (Spokes 7-8): analisi delle disparità regionali e delle disuguaglianze sociali con un’enfasi sulle politiche per lo sviluppo delle aree periferiche e la riduzione del divario nord-sud.
In particolare, l’obiettivo dello Spoke 7 è di supportare la progettazione di politiche in grado di rendere accessibili e attrattivi i territori per residenti, migranti, visitatori e attività economiche in contesti geografici diversi (diverse dimensioni: città, aree marginali, isole, Mezzogiorno, ecc.) e di eliminare le lacune inter- e intraterritoriali a diverse scale territoriali. Lo Spoke è supportato da un Centro di conoscenza per i dati territoriali (KCTD). Nel contesto delle attività dello spoke è prevista anche l’istituzione di un Centro di ricerca per la mobilità (MRC) e un laboratorio multidisciplinare sulle politiche territoriali (MLTP).
Nell’ambito delle attività dello spoke 7 “Territorial sustainability” il DICEA si occupa della valorizzazione della pericolosità del territorio con particolare riferimento a diversi possibili eventi naturali (terremoti e frane). Infatti, al fine di offrire un contributo alla comprensione dell’interazione tra pericolosità territoriale e condizioni sociali ed economiche, è di fondamentale importanza conoscere e quantificare lo stato fisico del territorio e la sua esposizione a possibili eventi naturali avversi e valutare la vulnerabilità degli elementi esposti per quantificare il rischio e definire possibili soluzioni di mitigazione.
Alma Mater Studiorum – University Of Bologna (UniBo); University Of Bari Aldo Moro (UniBa); University Of Catania (UniCt); University Of Naples Federico II (UniNa); University Of Padua (UniPd); University Of Turin (UniTo); Ca’ Foscari University Of Venice (UniVe); University Of Palermo (UniPa); The Polytechnic University Of Milan (PoliMi); University Of Cagliari (UniCa); Tor Vergata University Of Rome (UTov); University Of Bergamo (UniBg); Bocconi University; Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA); CINECA; CRIF s.p.a.; CMCC Foundation; Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF); Exprivia s.p.a.; Intesa Sanpaolo s.p.a.; Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center s.p.a; Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno (SRM); Poste Italiane s.p.a.; Prometeia s.p.a.; Guglielmo Tagliacarne Study Centre (TSC); Leithà s.r.l.; Ania.
PRIN 2022 – Next-GenHazards
PRIN 2022 20224RE9AJ – Next-GenHazards – Next-Generation Multi-Hazard Maps Accounting for Non-Ergodic Site-Effects
CEAR-05/A – Geotecnica;
Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Importo progetto
189.963 €
Finanziamento per DICEA
61.469 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Principal Investigator: Paolo Zimmaro UniCal
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Anna d’Onofrio (CEAR-05/A)
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Anna d’Onofrio (CEAR-05/A), Francesco Silvestri (CEAR-05/A), Juan Manuel Barbagelata
L’obiettivo di lungo termine del progetto è definire strategie per rendere i sistemi distribuiti di infrastrutture più resilienti agli effetti di future catastrofi naturali, compresi gli eventi sisma-inondazioni a cascata. L’obiettivo generale del progetto Next-GenHazards è sviluppare una nuova generazione di mappe multihazard che combinano dati provenienti da reti sismiche esistenti, da array verticali di nuova installazione e da analisi numeriche di risposta sismica locale. Tali mappe consentiranno di valutare l’effetto combinato sulla pericolosità di un sito derivante dall’occorrenza di eventi a cascata. In particolare, la componente terremoto sarà valutata rimuovendo la cosiddetta ipotesi ergodica che non consente di modellare l’influenza degli effetti di sito nell’ analisi probabilistica della pericolosità sismica, PSHA. La componente alluvione sarà analizzata come evento a cascata successivo al terremoto, con un periodo di ritorno adeguato che tenga conto del cambiamento climatico.
Queste mappe multi-hazard, che si basano su una nuova analisi probabilistica non ergodica della pericolosità sismica, saranno utili per la definizione di scenari di hazard realistici che tengano in conto di possibili eventi a cascata, cui possono essere soggette le infrastrutture distribuite.
Università della Calabria – UniCal; Università degli studi “G. D’annunzio” Chieti Pescara; INGV.
TRANS[HEAT]IONS. Il progetto urbano per la mitigazione dell’ICU (Isola di Calore Urbano) come strategia per la transizione ecologica delle aree metropolitane di Roma e Napoli
ICAR/14 – Composizione Architettonica e Urbana
Importo progetto
140.900 €
Finanziamento per DICEA
98.147 €
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Mario Coppola, Arnaldo Casalotti
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Mario Coppola
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Francesca Bruni, Mattia Cocozza, Raffaele Spera, Luigi Stendardo, Francesco Viola
Searching for Climate Change (CC) mitigation solutions is one of the main challenges of contemporary cities. Sustainable development is the goal of international and national climate programmes that propose sets of actions aimed at climate change adaptation and at preserving and restoring ecosystems.
Temperature increases resulting from CC are expected to disproportionately impact cities, exacerbating the phenomenon known as the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. The UHI effect refers to higher air temperatures in urbanised areas with respect to surrounding rural areas. The UHI effect is suspected of warming urban areas up to 10°C more than surrounding rural areas [Oke 1982].
TRANS[HEAT]IONS intends to fit into this strategic framework, with the aim of verifying, through the definition of climate-aware design strategies, the potential of urban design as a tool for UHI mitigation.
The two research units will compare two urban models that are profoundly different both in terms of climatic behaviour and settlement system: Rome and Naples. In both cities, the aim is to test a design practice, focusing on “transition” areas: urban spaces located between urban and rural areas, between fabrics and infrastructures; those for which transformation scenarios are envisaged; or places considered particularly suitable for the start of ecological transition processes. The objective is to verify and predict the impact that future transformations of these places may have on the phenomenon of UHI, imagining a methodological and design approach to mitigate the effects of urban regeneration processes on the rise in local temperatures. The transdisciplinary and multi-scalar research will be developed in 6 Work Packages: a critical recognition of regulatory tools, planning and design experiences on the topic (WP1); the updating or construction of the general mapping of the phenomenon of UHI in the two cities using available climate data (NASA-MODIS and COPERNICUS) (WP2); the construction of critical maps in which climate data are overlapped with morphological, settlement, geographical, risk, urban planning factors (WP3). These superimpositions will allow selecting some areas of greater interest for which a three-dimensional model will be realized through ENVI-MET software (WP4). This model will allow us to visualize the climatic behaviour of the area in its current state and verify the improvement following appropriate design strategies that will be tested (WP5). The last phase of the research will lead to the definition of guidelines that can allow the replicability of the methods tested and provide support to the process of decision-making in the regeneration actions (WP6).
Università degli Studi Roma III
RETURN (multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate) – Spoke TS2 Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures
Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.3
Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca; Unione Europea – NextGenerationEU
Importo progetto
115 Mln€ di cui 18 Mln€ per SPOKE TS2
Finanziamento per DICEA
200 k€
36 mesi
Coordinamento Scientifico
Fondazione RETURN: Domenico Calcaterra (UNINA), Andrea Prota (UNINA)
Spoke TS2: Pierluigi Claps (POLITO)
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda, Angelo Avino, Jorge Andres Saavedra Navarro
Il Progetto RETURN è un partenariato esteso nell’ambito della Tematica 3 del PNRR, che riguarda i rischi ambientali, naturali e antropici. Il Progetto RETURN punta a rafforzare le competenze ed il trasferimento tecnologico e di conoscenze, nonché la governance italiana nella gestione del rischio di catastrofi, attraverso il coinvolgimento di pubbliche amministrazioni, stakeholder e imprese private. Tali obiettivi sono finalizzati a migliorare la comprensione dei rischi, nonché la loro interrelazione con gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e le metodologie per la prevenzione. Le attività previste dal Progetto RETURN riguardano otto aree tematiche (SPOKE), organizzate in tre gruppi. Il primo gruppo contiene gli spoke verticali (VS) riguardanti i processi connessi all’acqua (VS1), alle instabilità del terreno (VS2), ai terremoti e vulcani (VS3) ed al degrado dell’ambiente (VS4). Il secondo gruppo contiene gli spoke trasversali (TS) inerenti alla valutazione degli impatti di eventi ambientali, naturali e antropici su insediamenti urbani e metropolitani (TS1), sulle infrastrutture critiche (TS2) e sulle comunità (TS3). Infine, il terzo gruppo coincide con lo spoke diagonale (DS) che tratta le problematiche connesse al cambiamento climatico. Lo Spoke TS2 “Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures” mira a definire, sviluppare e testare nuovi approcci volti alla valutazione e riduzione del rischio per le più importanti infrastrutture in Italia. L’obiettivo principale è quello di implementare/rivedere i piani di gestione delle emergenze e dei rischi per garantire che le infrastrutture critiche siano sicure e che i servizi essenziali siano operativi e accessibili in condizioni critiche, in linea con la nuova “EU Directive on the resilience of critical entities” (in fase di approvazione). Le attività dello Spoke si concentrano sui pericoli naturali e le cause incidentali di crisi, al fine di sviluppare metodologie per la produzione di nuove mappe dinamiche per la classificazione dei pericoli a livello nazionale per collegamenti e nodi critici delle principali infrastrutture di rete (stradali, ferroviarie, idriche e di servizi pubblici), nonché per infrastrutture critiche puntuali (dighe, impianti di produzione di energia e acqua potabile e trattamento di acque reflue). Metodi avanzati di monitoraggio multirischio e di modellazione degli impatti consentiranno di ridurre i rischi di effetti a cascata e di eventi composti, permettendo così di dare priorità agli investimenti in relazione alle vulnerabilità identificate e alle interdipendenze dei sistemi. Dunque, l’obiettivo finale dello spoke è di rendere più sicura la vita dei cittadini, adattando le infrastrutture agli impatti del cambiamento climatico.
Sito web
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (Enea); Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna; Fondazione CIMA; Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS); Libera Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”; Politecnico di Milano; Politecnico di Torino; Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro; Università degli Studi di Cagliari; Università degli Studi di Firenze; Università degli Studi di Genova; Università degli Studi di Padova; Università degli Studi di Palermo; Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza; Accademia Europea di Bolzano; Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale dell’Appennino Meridionale; Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia; Dipartimento della Protezione Civile della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri; AlmavivA – The Italian Innovation Company S.p.A.; Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.; Eni Rewind S.p.A.; Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A.; Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.; IREN S.p.A.
PE3 RETURN – Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate
Vertical Spoke 2 – VS2: Ground Instabilities
CEAR-05/A – Geotecnica; GEOS-03/B – Geologia applicata
Partenariato Esteso PNRR – Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza
Ministero dell’Uniersità e della Ricerca
Importo progetto
115.099.876,40 €
Finanziamento per DICEA
374.416 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Coordinatori Spoke VS2: Salvatore Martino e Francesca Bozzano (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, UniRoma1), Diego di Martire e Domenico Calcaterra (DISTAR, UniNa)
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesco Silvestri
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Massa critica: Francesco Silvestri, Giovanni Forte, Lucia Coppola
Massa aggregata: Antonio Santo, Gianfranco Urciuoli, Marianna Pirone, Luca Pagano, Emilio Bilotta, Alessandro Flora, Lucia Mele, Filomena de Silva, Melania De Falco (assegnista)
L’obiettivo principale dello Spoke VS2 è quello di analizzare i fenomeni deformativi e di instabilità del sottosuolo causati da diversi meccanismi franosi ed altri fenomeni quali i sinkholes, la subsidenza e la liquefazione. L’attività di ricerca mira a definire la rilevanza di tre macro-categorie di fattori: predisponenti, preparatori e d’innesco, sviluppando metodi e procedure (attraverso approcci deterministici e probabilistici) per la ricostruzione quantitativa di scenari di instabilità del territorio, causati da condizioni ambientali variabili, sia in ambiente terrestre che subacqueo. Verranno in particolare considerati gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e l’analisi multirischio degli effetti indotti dall’instabilità, tenendo conto sia della combinazione dei diversi fenomeni possibili che del potenziale effetto a cascata. Il contributo del DICEA comprenderà in particolare il coordinamento di due Task: il Task 2.4.3 – Multiple geohazards for ground instabilities in large plains, sinkhole zones (coordinato da Giovanni Forte) e il Task 2.5.1 – Mitigation solutions with respect to ground instabilities (coordinato da Francesco Silvestri).
Sapienza Università di Roma (UniRoma1); Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (UniNa); Università degli Studi di Firenze (UniFi); Università degli Studi di Bari (UniBa); Università degli Studi di Padova (UniPd); Università degli Studi di Bologna (UniBo); Università degli Studi di Genova (UniGe); Università degli Studi di Palermo (UniPa); Istituto nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS); Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo); Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA); Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale dell’Appennino meridionale (ABDAM).
INSITE – Integrated Shared Knowledge: from Geo-Paleontological Heritage to Present Territorial Challenges
ICAR/05 – Trasporti
Horizon Europe
Importo progetto
6.766 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
720 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Vincenzo Punzo, Marcello Montanino
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Vincenzo Punzo, Marcello Montanino
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Vincenzo Punzo, Marcello Montanino, Alfonso Montella, Filomena Mauriello, Francesco Galante, Roberta Siciliano, Massimo Aria
The vision of i4Driving is to lay the foundation for a new industry-standard methodology to establish a credible and realistic human road safety baseline for virtual assessment of CCAM systems. The two central ideas we propose are (1) a multi-level, modular and extendable simulation library that combines existing and new models for human driving behavior; in combination with (2) an innovative cross-disciplinary methodology to account for the huge uncertainty in both human behaviors and use case circumstances. This rigorous treatment of the uncertainty is crucial to assess how much of our confidence in model inputs, parameters, and structure is justified. It also makes explicit how experts from different disciplines judge the outcomes and how justified the underlying assumptions really are. Our consortium combines all the expertise needed to develop this methodology (e.g., traffic engineering, human factors, data & computer science). We have the experimental means to gather the evidence beyond the state-of-art needed to realistically simulate (near) accidents in multi-driver scenarios (access to many data sources, advanced driving simulators, and field labs). We have a strong international network to collaborate with and harmonize our approach with academic and professional partners in e.g., the US (NADS facility); Australia (UQ advanced driving simulator and TRACSLab connected driving simulator facilities), China (Tongji Univ. 8-dof driving simulator and large-scale field lab) and Japan (NTSEL). Finally, we have all the relevant partners onboard to test and apply the methodology (Universities and research labs, OEMs and Tier 1, vehicle regulators, type-approval authorities, standardization institutes, insurance companies). i4Driving offers a proposition for the short and the longer term: a set of building blocks that pave the way for a driving license for AVs.
Panteia BV (PAN), University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Aimsun SLU (AIM), Delft University of Technology (TUD), Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia (CTAG), ZF Friedrichshafen AG (ZF), SwissRE (SWRE), RDW (RDW), University of Warwick (WMG), Technical University of Munich (TUM), University of Aschaffenburg (THAB), National Research Council (CNR), Tongji University (TJU), University of Iowa (NADS), University of Queensland (UQ), DENSO (DEN)
I4DRIVING – Integrated 4D driver modelling under uncertainty
ICAR/05 – Trasporti
Horizon Europe
Importo progetto
6.766 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
720 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Vincenzo Punzo, Marcello Montanino
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Vincenzo Punzo, Marcello Montanino
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Vincenzo Punzo, Marcello Montanino, Alfonso Montella, Filomena Mauriello, Francesco Galante, Roberta Siciliano, Massimo Aria
The vision of i4Driving is to lay the foundation for a new industry-standard methodology to establish a credible and realistic human road safety baseline for virtual assessment of CCAM systems. The two central ideas we propose are (1) a multi-level, modular and extendable simulation library that combines existing and new models for human driving behavior; in combination with (2) an innovative cross-disciplinary methodology to account for the huge uncertainty in both human behaviors and use case circumstances. This rigorous treatment of the uncertainty is crucial to assess how much of our confidence in model inputs, parameters, and structure is justified. It also makes explicit how experts from different disciplines judge the outcomes and how justified the underlying assumptions really are. Our consortium combines all the expertise needed to develop this methodology (e.g., traffic engineering, human factors, data & computer science). We have the experimental means to gather the evidence beyond the state-of-art needed to realistically simulate (near) accidents in multi-driver scenarios (access to many data sources, advanced driving simulators, and field labs). We have a strong international network to collaborate with and harmonize our approach with academic and professional partners in e.g., the US (NADS facility); Australia (UQ advanced driving simulator and TRACSLab connected driving simulator facilities), China (Tongji Univ. 8-dof driving simulator and large-scale field lab) and Japan (NTSEL). Finally, we have all the relevant partners onboard to test and apply the methodology (Universities and research labs, OEMs and Tier 1, vehicle regulators, type-approval authorities, standardization institutes, insurance companies). i4Driving offers a proposition for the short and the longer term: a set of building blocks that pave the way for a driving license for AVs.
Panteia BV (PAN), University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Aimsun SLU (AIM), Delft University of Technology (TUD), Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia (CTAG), ZF Friedrichshafen AG (ZF), SwissRE (SWRE), RDW (RDW), University of Warwick (WMG), Technical University of Munich (TUM), University of Aschaffenburg (THAB), National Research Council (CNR), Tongji University (TJU), University of Iowa (NADS), University of Queensland (UQ), DENSO (DEN)
DPC-ReLUIS 2022-2024 – WP16: Contributi normativi – Geotecnica
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Accordo per Contributo di Ricerca
Dipartimento Protezione Civile della Presidenza de Consiglio dei Ministri, attraverso accordo con Consorzio ReLUIS (Rete dei Laboratori Universitari di Ingegneria Sismica e strutturale)
Importo progetto
6.906K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
66K €
24 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Edoardo Cosenza
Responsabili scientifici DICEA
Francesco Silvestri (Task 16.1 e Task 16.3)
Antonio Santo (Task 16.2)
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Francesco Silvestri (PO), Alessandro Flora (PO), Anna d’Onofrio (PA), Antonio Santo (PA), Filomena de Silva (RTDB), Giovanni Forte (RTDB), Lucia Mele (RTDA), Annachiara Piro (borsista post-doc), Francesco Gargiulo (dottorando di ricerca)
Il WP 16 Contributi normativi – Geotecnica mira a consolidare i risultati ottenuti nel corso del triennio precedente, fornendo prodotti di immediato utilizzo nella pratica per la previsione degli effetti sismici e la mitigazione del rischio. Nello specifico alcune azioni mirano a valutare e proporre possibili evoluzioni del quadro normativo mentre altre sono finalizzate a fornire strumenti utili che nell’ambito del quadro normativo vigente consentano un miglioramento dello stato della pratica, con specifica attenzione all’ambito della geotecnica sismica.
Il WP sarà organizzato in 3 task, riproponendo gli ambiti tematici del triennio precedente:
Task 16.1: Risposta Sismica Locale e Liquefazione
Task 16.2: Stabilità dei Pendii
Task 16.3: Interazione terreno-fondazione-struttura
Il contributo delle due Unità di Ricerca del DICEA è indirizzato a tutte e tre le tematiche, e comprende anche il coordinamento scientifico del Task 16.3 da parte del Prof. Silvestri.
Sito web
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Politecnico di Torino
“Sapienza” Università di Roma
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Università degli Studi del Sannio
Università degli Studi del Molise
Università degli Studi “Niccolò Cusano” Telematica
Università degli Studi di Catania
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Università degli Studi di Messina
Università della Calabria
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
Politecnico di Milano
Università degli Studi di Perugia
GIANO – Geo-rIsks Assessment and mitigatioN for the prOtection of cultural heritage
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Importo progetto
873K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
150K €
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Alessandro Flora
Responsabile scientifico Nazionale
Alessandro Flora, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
The Project GIANO is aimed at safeguarding the historical built heritage on the Italian territory, often strongly affected by geotechnical instabilities (differential settlements, slope instability, subsidence, liquefaction, seismic events, presence of natural and anthropogenic cavities). The research will evaluate the vulnerability of some architectural assets (single buildings, towers, walls, bridges, underground structures, widespread settlements) selected as representative of the Italian historical heritage, and it will identify for them the most suitable mitigation techniques to safeguard their structural, historical, and architectural integrity from Geo-Risks.
Università di NAPOLI FEDERICO II (PI), Università di PAVIA, Università di ROMA LA SAPIENZA, Università di NAPOLI PARTHENOPE, Università GUGLIELMO MARCONI.
DigiT-CCAM – Digital Twins per la Mobilità Cooperativa, Connessa e Automatizzata
ICAR/05 – Trasporti
Importo progetto
636 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
178 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Gennaro Nicola Bifulco
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Gennaro Nicola Bifulco
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Docenti e ricercator: Luigi Pariota, Ilaria Henke
Assegnisti ricerca: Luca Di Costanzo, Angelo Coppola, Michele Gervasio, Maria Cristina Ceccotti
Dottorandi di ricerca: Alessio Tesone, Waheed Imran
Il progetto vuole analizzare, sviluppare e validare approcci, strumenti metodologici e procedure per testare soluzioni di mobilità cooperativa, automatizzata e connessa (CCAM). Lo scopo è di realizzare un avanzamento di conoscenze scientifiche e tecnologiche, nonché realizzare un supporto metodologico per operatori e strutture nazionali e internazionali che nel prossimo futuro si occuperanno di norme tecniche e linee guida nel settore. Lo scenario di riferimento è il testing di veicoli in scenari realistici e complessi di circolazione, in condizioni modificate dalla scomparsa del guidatore quale tramite tra il veicolo ed il contesto di traffico che, ora, sollecita direttamente le funzioni del veicolo, determinandone un diverso comportamento rispetto alla sicurezza individuale e del deflusso. Il testing deve avvenire, inoltre, anche rispetto alla capacità di avere effetti non-disruptive nei confronti del traffico e di abilitare servizi di mobilità efficienti e rispettosi degli obiettivi di sostenibilità e neutralità rispetto agli effetti climalteranti. Il progetto abilita metodologicamente aspetti più generali di standardizzazione/omologazione, pur lasciandoli agli organi di regolazione nazionali ed europei e si pone, quindi, a supporto non solo della cultura scientifica e tecnologica ma anche del dibattito pubblico, del coinvolgimento istituzionale e della cultura tecnico-normativa. La particolare complessità degli ambienti CCAM e la scarsa prevedibilità deterministica delle condizioni di deflusso in cui la automazione si trova ad agire, determina la necessità di molte ore e chilometri di testing e quindi la necessità che una parte assai significativa avvenga in ambienti virtuali di simulazione, con approcci in fast-time e a costi contenuti. Le metodologie comprenderanno quindi sistemi di modellazione e simulazione che nell’insieme garantiscano la verosimiglianza del testing in due direzioni: dal contesto al veicolo (stimoli realistici e rappresentativi d’una vasta gamma di situazioni); dal veicolo al contesto (sollecitazioni ed impatti realistici sulle reti e i servizi). Il progetto svilupperà dunque la integrazione di strumenti metodologici per la creazione e validazione di scenari di testing (e per la progettazione degli esperimenti risultanti), per la co-simulazione di ambienti complessi, comprensivi di scenari di traffico e infrastrutturali, per la caratterizzazione e valutazione delle prestazioni dei veicoli/componenti testati. Procedure e strumenti metodologici saranno supportati da simulatori di veicoli e simulatori di guida, nonché simulatori di reti di traffico veicolare; il valore di tali asset disponibili è di alcuni milioni di euro. Al termine del progetto, oltre agli avanzamenti scientifici e all’innovazione di metodi e strumenti, sarà stata consolidata di fatto una rete di laboratori di elevata competenza nel settore, in grado di competere ed integrarsi nel panorama europeo e globale.
Università di Napoli Federico II (PI); Politecnico Torino; Università di Genova; Università di Salerno
I4DRIVING – Integrated 4D driver modelling under uncertainty
ICAR/05 – Trasporti
Horizon Europe
Importo progetto
6.766 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
720 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Vincenzo Punzo, Marcello Montanino
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Vincenzo Punzo, Marcello Montanino
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Vincenzo Punzo, Marcello Montanino, Alfonso Montella, Filomena Mauriello, Francesco Galante, Roberta Siciliano, Massimo Aria
The vision of i4Driving is to lay the foundation for a new industry-standard methodology to establish a credible and realistic human road safety baseline for virtual assessment of CCAM systems. The two central ideas we propose are (1) a multi-level, modular and extendable simulation library that combines existing and new models for human driving behavior; in combination with (2) an innovative cross-disciplinary methodology to account for the huge uncertainty in both human behaviors and use case circumstances. This rigorous treatment of the uncertainty is crucial to assess how much of our confidence in model inputs, parameters, and structure is justified. It also makes explicit how experts from different disciplines judge the outcomes and how justified the underlying assumptions really are. Our consortium combines all the expertise needed to develop this methodology (e.g., traffic engineering, human factors, data & computer science). We have the experimental means to gather the evidence beyond the state-of-art needed to realistically simulate (near) accidents in multi-driver scenarios (access to many data sources, advanced driving simulators, and field labs). We have a strong international network to collaborate with and harmonize our approach with academic and professional partners in e.g., the US (NADS facility); Australia (UQ advanced driving simulator and TRACSLab connected driving simulator facilities), China (Tongji Univ. 8-dof driving simulator and large-scale field lab) and Japan (NTSEL). Finally, we have all the relevant partners onboard to test and apply the methodology (Universities and research labs, OEMs and Tier 1, vehicle regulators, type-approval authorities, standardization institutes, insurance companies). i4Driving offers a proposition for the short and the longer term: a set of building blocks that pave the way for a driving license for AVs.
Panteia BV (PAN), University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Aimsun SLU (AIM), Delft University of Technology (TUD), Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia (CTAG), ZF Friedrichshafen AG (ZF), SwissRE (SWRE), RDW (RDW), University of Warwick (WMG), Technical University of Munich (TUM), University of Aschaffenburg (THAB), National Research Council (CNR), Tongji University (TJU), University of Iowa (NADS), University of Queensland (UQ), DENSO (DEN)
INSPIRING – Floods in cities: new insights for integrating pluvial flooding into flood risk management plans
ICAR/02 – Costruzioni Idrauliche e marittime ed idrologia
Importo progetto
604 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
110 k€
3 anni
Responsabile scientifico
Giuseppe Tito Aronica
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Giuseppe Del Giudice
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
In the last years, Italian cities are increasingly facing challenges associated with urban sustainability and urban water issues. Specifically, the risk associated to extreme rain events in urban areas has dramatically
increased. For this reason, integration of pluvial flood risk management into Flood Risk Management Plans by regional and local water authorities becomes fundamental.
The project INSPIRING aims at to improve management capacities of public authorities to mitigate heavy rain risks by integrating pluvial flood risk management into management plans according to the EU Floods
Project outcomes will help decision makers in planning and design of storm water control actions to mitigate the impacts of heavy rainfalls causing floods in urban areas, allowing “citizens and cities” to be better prepared to
challenges due to global changes. The focus of the project will be on the identification of joint and shared public strategies and actions to manage the risks consequent to this type of extreme events
To build an effective cooperation between science and society regarding the assessment and management of the risk of pluvial flooding in urban areas, the most recent and advanced knowledge in the field of urban
hydraulics and hydrology, of the planning and design of the sustainable and multi-functional solutions (complementary to traditional solutions) is needed, according to the more comprehensive definition of the Flood Risk
Management Plans contained into the Flood Directive.
The main targets of INSPIRING are:
1. Improving pluvial flooding risk mapping (hazard and impacts)
2. Increasing understanding of the causes, probability and consequences of surface water flooding;
3. Reviewing the resilience of infrastructure networks against extreme surface water flood scenarios
4. Identifying opportunities where structural and non-structural measures can play a more significant role in managing surface water flood risk and also contribute to fulfill the requirements of the EC Flood Directive
5. Increasing awareness of the duties and responsibilities in managing pluvial flood risk;
6. Improving public engagement and understanding of surface water flooding.
7. Developing new guidelines for Flood Authorities on local flood risk management strategies for identifying measures to mitigate surface water flooding;
Giuseppe Tito ARONICA (Coordinatore UNIV Messina)
Francesco NAPOLITANO (Responsabile UNIV Sapienza)
Gianfranco BECCIU (Responsabile Politecnico MILANO)
Luca COZZOLINO (Responsabile UNIV Parthenope)
HSR marginal cost and VoT
ICAR/05 – Trasporti
Progetto di ricerca
UIC (Union Internationale des Chemins de fer)
Importo progetto
Finanziamento per DICEA
23.781,00 €
Responsabile scientifico
Francesca Pagliara
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesca Pagliara
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
The intermodal transport market is driven by two major parameters: the market is balanced when the price is equal to the marginal cost of the last producer; for the passenger the modal choice is based on the generalized cost of transport which is the sum of the out-of-pocket expense (linked to the marginal cost) and the value of the time spent when transported. In this project it is proposed to study both parameters: the marginal cost and the value of time and their evolutions in the next 10 to 20 years on the intermodal mobility market in Italy.
MASLIDE – Multi-level Approach for the Study of Landslides InduceD by Earthquakes
ICAR/07 – GEO/05
FRA – Programma per il Finanziamento della Ricerca di Ateneo – Linea A
Il progetto ha ricevuto il supporto del Commissario straordinario di Governo per gli interventi nei territori dei Comuni di Casamicciola Terme, Forio, Lacco Ameno dell’Isola di Ischia interessati dagli eventi sismici del giorno 21 agosto 2017.
Importo progetto
40K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
40K €
2 anni
Responsabile scientifico progetto
Francesco Silvestri
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesco Silvestri
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Anna d’Onofrio, Massimo Ramondini, Antonio Santo, Giovanni Forte, Diego Di Martire, Giorgio Andrea Alleanza, Francesco Gargiulo, Donato Infante
Il progetto di ricerca ha come obiettivo l’analisi e la zonazione della suscettibilità all’instabilità indotta in condizioni sismiche, per fenomeni franosi o di liquefazione, nei comuni ischitani di Forio, Casamicciola e Lacco Ameno. La scelta dell’area Nord-Occidentale dell’isola è stata motivata sia dai diffusi fenomeni di instabilità storicamente rilevati per effetto di condizioni meteoriche estreme e di terremoti storici, sia dall’esperienza maturata dai proponenti nei recenti studi di microzonazione sismica dei tre comuni. Per entrambe le fenomenologie, lo studio si sviluppa attraverso l’applicazione di una metodologia a livelli crescenti di approfondimento in termini di definizione dell’azione sismica, accuratezza dei rilievi geologici e della caratterizzazione geotecnica, complessità dell’analisi, e significato ingegneristico dei parametri rappresentativi degli effetti. Al crescere del grado di dettaglio, aumenta di conseguenza il rapporto di scala di riferimento, da quelli tipici per la scala territoriale (zonazione) fino a quelli rappresentativi del singolo fenomeno alla scala locale.
Il Progetto si avvale della collaborazione esterna in termini di competenze sismologiche da parte del Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche (proff. Aldo Zollo e Antonio Emolo) e dell’INGV (Dr. Vincenzo Convertito e Dr.ssa Giuseppina Tusa).
Integrated PROcedure for MoNitoring of Linear Infrastructures Safety
GEO/05 – Geologia applicata; ICAR/04- Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti; ING-INF/02 – Campi elettromagnetici
Finanziamento della Ricerca di Ateneo
Importo progetto
40K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
10K €
24 mesi
Responsabile scientifico progetto
Diego Di Martire
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Alfonso Montella
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Diego Di Martire, Alfonso Montella, Gerardo Di Martino, Rita De Stefano, Pietro Miele, Maria Rella Riccardi
I-Pro MoNaLISa (Integrated Procedure for MoNitoring of Linear Infrastructures Safety) is a project aimed at supporting structural health assessments for linear infrastructures, and related man-made artefacts such as bridges, viaducts, etc, based on the use of remote sensing technologies. Satellite-based monitoring systems, represents a viable source of independent information products to detect movements of the Earth surface which can affect the analyzed infrastructures. I-Pro MoNaLISa is devoted to evaluate, through an accurate Differential SAR interferometry processing, possible critical sections where in situ controls are needed. These information could be adopted by the in-charge authorities and public administrations as a decision-making support tool to improve the efficiency of the monitoring of linear infrastructures in their exercise phase as well as of risk management for those areas affected by deformation which can interact with their safety. Specifically, thanks to satellite-based deformation measurements, obtained through radar images processing, it provides an alert system for:
a) directing technician verification in-situ,
b) planning of maintenance and rehabilitations,
c) structural health assessments;
d) emergency management,
e) support public administrations and highway and railway authorities.
Such kind of system would represent a great innovation in the actual Italian control system, based on visual inspections for anomalies detection, demanded to technicians. I-Pro MoNaLISa aims at reducing the long time-lapse between in-situ data collection and information transfer to the operation center, being based on a database of critical sections that the technicians can implement in situ real-time; furthermore, not requesting any direct contact with the infrastructure, such system can eliminate the necessity of lane closure and traffic disruption or the preparation of the structure before the acquisition. In last years, early response systems improvement turns out to be a key topic to avoid heavy social and economic consequences of possible failures.
Erasmus+ MIETC
ICAR/20 – Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica
ERASMUS+ Key Action2
Importo progetto
807K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
80K €
24 mesi + 12 mesi (proroga)
Responsabile scientifico progetto
Manuel Fernandez Grela
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Carmela Gargiulo
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Gerardo Carpentieri, Federica Gaglione, Carmen Guida, Sabrina Sgambati, Floriana Zucaro
MIETC – Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries is a capacity building project funded by the Europenan Union (EU) to strengthen academic capacity of Higher Education Institutions, HEIs, in Industrial Entrepreneurships in Central Asia (Kazakshstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. In the framework of this project European Institutions AYeconomics, University of Ljubljana, University of Naples Federico II and University of Santiago de Compostela will help Central Asia HEIs to develop and implement an interdisciplinary Master program and to establish sustainable cooperation between partner´s HEI and labor market. The purpose behind the MIETC project is to build the capacity of the human capital in the HEIs of Central Asian countries on industrial entrepreneurship aiming to provide students skills and competencies more aligned to the needs of their labour markets. There are two types of human capital, especially the difference is very obvious at industrial sectors: generation of specialists who received education in Soviet Union time and young generation graduated during Independence time. The Soviet education system produced good technical specialists but lacking market skills. On the other hand, since the independence the education system has been worsen significantly by decreasing of funding into education and research, by corruption and not transparent governance. The private sector usually not consider academy as a source of the best expertise and research capability. The lack of market-oriented education is among the reasons of mismatch of education and labour market. Moreover, education materials and teaching methodology are outdated considerably.
Sito Web
University of Santiago de Compostela (Spagna), AYeconomics (Spagna), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), in qualità di partner non europei (Asia Centrale) Academy of Science of Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan), East-Kazakhstan State Technical University (Kazakistan), Technological University of Tajikistan (Tajikistan).
MATCAS – La Mitigazione del Rischio Idraulico in Bacini Costieri con Casse di Espansione in Linea: Approccio Integrato per il Dimensionamento
ICAR/02 – Costruzioni Idrauliche
Bando Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare DD_449_STA_01_10_2018
Importo progetto
225 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
150 k€
20 mesi
Coordinatore scientifico nazionale
Francesco De Paola
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Francesco De Paola, Salvatore Manfreda, Maurizio Giugni, Alfonso Corniello, Francesco Pugliese, Domenico Miglino, Giuseppe Speranza.
La proposta progettuale è stata mirata allo sviluppo di linee guida progettuale per la valutazione dei processi di laminazione delle piene in piccoli bacini costieri, mediante un approccio integrato volto ad ottimizzare le caratteristiche tecniche ed economiche delle opere di laminazione. La metodologia proposta risulta di validità generale; tuttavia nel presente progetto essa è implementata con riferimento al caso specifico di piccoli bacini non strumentati, che risultano, nel territorio italiano di preminente interesse, sia in termini di pericolosità che di numerosità. Le attività di ricerca sono state articolate in quattro fasi di approfondimento che hanno consentito di: 1) caratterizzare le dinamiche idrologiche e idrauliche attraverso simulazioni numeriche su lunghe finestre temporali; 2) analizzare in dettaglio il comportamento di casse di espansione in condizioni reali ed in presenza di trasporto solido mediante simulazioni di laboratorio; 3) definire uno strumento analitico di progetto in grado di correlare le variabili di progetto, le forzanti idrologiche e l’effetto di laminazione prodotto; 4) stimare, mediante opportuna analisi costi-benefici, i benefici economici derivanti dalla realizzazione delle opere. L’insieme di tali studi consentirà di sviluppare un’approfondita analisi degli effetti di laminazione legati a casse di espansione in serie, implementare linee guida volte a massimizzare l’efficacia di dette opere, e definire uno strumento analitico per il dimensionamento delle opere stesse. Tale strumento mira a fornire dati progettuali in grado di considerare le principali variabili del problema, quali: caratteristiche idrologiche; morfologia del bacino; caratteristiche idrauliche delle vasche (dimensione, altezza, dimensione e forma degli scarichi); fattori di costo e di rischio associati ai fenomeni di piene.
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (UNINA), Università degli Studi della Basilicata (UNIBAS) e Università degli Studi della TUSCIA (UNITUS).
METAGRO – bioMETanazione dei sottoprodotti della filiera AGROindustriale campana
ICAR/03 – Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale
Regione Campania
Importo progetto
366K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
315K €
42 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Francesco Pirozzi
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesco Pirozzi
Partecipanti al progetto DICEA
Massimiliano Fabbricino, Giovanni Esposito, Stefano Papirio, Alessandra Cesaro e Silvio Matassa
Secondo la stima dello Studio Althesys sullo sviluppo della filiera del biometano del Mezzogiorno, le risorse presenti nelle regioni meridionali possono valere 8.000 nuovi posti di lavoro e investimenti fino a 5,6 Mld di euro. L’impatto di tali investimenti porterebbe a un incremento dello 0,3% del PIL del Mezzogiorno. La regione Campania, grazie alla sua forte vocazione agricola registra la presenza sul proprio territorio di ingenti quantità di sottoprodotti agroindustriali che possono essere utilizzati per la produzione di biometano. È in tale contesto che va ad inquadrarsi il presente progetto, il quale si pone come obiettivo l’incremento del valore aziendale mediante la produzione di biometano. Quest’ultimo potrà essere utilizzato per la produzione di energia elettrica, termica o per l’autotrazione ai fini aziendali in un ottica di economia circolare. La proposta progettuale consiste nella realizzazione e la messa in esercizio di un impianto dimostrativo per la produzione di Biometano mediante fermentazione anaerobica di matrici organiche presenti sul territorio Campano.
Nonostante la presenza di diverse metodologie per l’upgrading del biogas, queste risultano solo parzialmente applicate in impianti reali o addirittura ancora in fase sperimentale. Si rende quindi necessaria una sperimentazione di campo mediante la quale testare una soluzione, provvedere alla sua ingegnerizzazione e testarne le condizioni operative di funzionamento al fine di renderla fruibile per gli operatori della filiera agricola.
Le attività saranno condotte dai due partner DICEA e C&F e in accordo con il format di progetto saranno suddivise in 4 WP, ognuno dei quali caratterizzato dalla presenza di obiettivi specifici: progettazione e assemblaggio dell’impianto(WP1) , avviamento e valutazioni economico-gestionali (WP2) , applicazione della soluzione impiantistica proposta presso l’azienda (WP3), diffusione e divulgazione dei risultati (WP4).
Sito web
C&F Energy Società Agricola S.r.l.
Rassegna stampa
TEMPO – New technologies for in time prediction of flowslide occurrence
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
STAR-2018 (Sostegno Territoriale alle Attività di Ricerca)
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, la Compagnia di San Paolo e l’Istituto Banco di Napoli
Importo progetto
80K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
56K €
33 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Marianna Pirone
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Marianna Pirone
Partecipanti al progetto DICEA
Antonio Santo
The project introduces new technologies for an early prediction of flowslides and it focuses on a simulation chain based on the real–time interaction between measurements of factors predisposing to flowslides and a physically-based model set up for the triggering prediction, devoted to work during critical rainfalls, giving real time forecasting. The model has to interface with a meteorological code providing forecast precipitation; in this way the model is able to make an early prediction of flow-slides occurrence. The simulation chain will be developed first at slope scale (in pilot site) and then extended to the territorial scale (basin). In particular, in this proposal the development of new sensor (prototype) to be installed into subsoil, measuring actual soil water content and negative pore water pressure (suction) at pilot sites, and the technologies to transmit the data to a Data Center, where the numerical model runs (before or during heavy rainfalls) will be carried out.
prof. Mauro D’Arco, Università degli Studi di NAPOLI “Federico II” – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e
delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione.
dott. Guido Rianna, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Mix design di strati di base e binder di pavimentazioni stradali con impiego di ceneri pesanti da Termovalorizzatore
ICAR/04 – Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti
Responsabile scientifico
Francesca Russo
A2A Ambiente
Importo progetto
30K €
Il progetto di ricerca intende approfondire i principi dell’economia circolare per le procedure di mix design delle miscele di conglomerato bituminoso ad uso stradale per strati di binder e base con impiego di ceneri pesanti da Termovalorizzatore.
Stone Pavements, History, Conservation, Valorisation and Design
ICAR/04 – Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Salvatore Antonio Biancardo
Responsabile scientifico Nazionale
Felice Giuliani, Università degli Studi di PARMA
Importo progetto
580K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
130K €
The proposal, which sees the synergy of five specialized and complementary Research Units, intends to reach the scientific and therefore systematic examination of the process of studying the stone roads. Starting from the ancient Roman stone roads that, in a completely innovative way, will be subjected, for the first time, to structural analysis with advanced non invasive investigation tools. The research team will put in place advanced geometric survey strategies and the same futuristic graphic and 3D physical restitution technique around the fascinating pavements of the Roman road network, which has very different constructive and constitutive features. In doing so, the research team aims to attain the reconstruction of laboratory-scale models and the real size of pilot logs for advanced mechanical studies. These strategies and techniques are described and managed by original I-BIM and H-BIM tools which are invariably supervised by archaeologists, researchers of the survey and the science of conservation of Cultural Heritage.
Università degli Studi di PARMA, Università degli Studi di ROMA “La Sapienza”, Università degli Studi di TRENTO, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
High-Speed Rail: social, economic and geographical equity issues
ICAR/05 – Trasporti
Responsabile scientifico
Francesca Pagliara
2 anni
Importo progetto
23K €
Social equity is a concept that has become relevant in transport policy in recent years. In countries, such as UK, significant contributions have been made, recognizing the important role of transport and social/territorial equity, particularly in the context of participation and quality of life. However, little has been done on the relationship between long-distance rail transport, such as High-Speed Rail (HSR) and social equity. Considering that many countries are now investing in these systems, this project aims at filling this gap. Indeed, with the introduction of HSR, other transport alternatives, like intercity trains and buses, have tended to be less available and therefore, the “socially excluded” users have had limited choices. This phenomenon has increased “social injustice”. Therefore, the main contribution of this project is to analyse the HSR equity issue through the analysis of the socioeconomic profile of HSR users, through the understanding of the factors excluding non-HSR users from its use and to propose strategies to make these systems more inclusive.
UIC (Union Internationale des Chemins de fer) con sede a Parigi
INSIST – Sistema di monitoraggio INtelligente per la SIcurezza delle infraSTrutture urbane
ICAR/04 – Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Gianluca Dell’Acqua
Responsabile scientifico Nazionale
Edoardo Cosenza, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Progetto di Ricerca Industriale e non preponderante Sviluppo Sperimentale, area di specializzazione Smart Secure & Inclusive Communities, domanda di agevolazione contrassegnata dal codice identificativo ARS01_00913
Importo progetto
3.755K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
100K €
Il progetto prevede un’attività di ricerca e sviluppo di sistemi di monitoraggio innovativi su strutture e infrastrutture in ambito urbano, quali edifici, ponti e gallerie. Il sistema di monitoraggio si basa sull’utilizzo di sensori innovativi a basso costo (inclinometri, accelerometri e sensori di pressione) da inserire in maniera estesa nelle strutture. I dati registrati dai singoli sensori saranno inviati a concentratori e da lì trasferiti in ambiente cloud. I dati potranno essere elaborati attraverso modelli strutturali direttamente nel cloud, in modo da avere una verifica della sicurezza strutturale in tempo reale. Ad ogni livello del sistema (sensori, concentratori e ovviamente cloud) sarà associata una capacità di elaborazione in modo da far funzionare il sistema come un unicum dotato di intelligenza. Il sistema permette di auto-gestire il sistema di monitoraggio e trasformare i dati in parametri strutturali in grado di fornire un’indicazione quantitativa sulla sicurezza. Ciò consente di sviluppare un innovativo modello di monitoraggio in grado di gestire un grande quantità di dati e, grazie allo sviluppo di modelli matematici che possono fornire intelligenza artificiale al sistema, capace di gestire la sicurezza, la manutenzione predittiva, le soglie di allarme e le possibili problematiche presenti. Nell’ambito del progetto verrà prestata attenzione ad una serie di tipologie strutturali che possono essere critiche in ambiente urbano: – edifici in muratura; – edifici in calcestruzzo armato; – edifici in acciaio, con particolare riguardo alle strutture provvisionali; – ponti; – gallerie, con particolare riguardo a quelle delle linee metropolitane o ferroviarie. Attraverso l’applicazione di sistemi di monitoraggio intelligenti, dette strutture potranno essere trasformate in smart structure in grado non solo di verificare la loro sicurezza strutturale in tempo reale, ma anche monitorare l’ambiente circostante (grazie anche alla possibile introduzione in maniera diffusa delle smart structure in ambito urbano).
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Università di Bologna, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Palermo, IoTty srl; MAPEI S.p.a.., STMicroelectronics S.r.l, STRESS S.c.ar.l.
CEOMED – Employing circular economy approach for OFMSW management within the Mediterranean countries
ICAR/03 – Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale
Responsabili scientifici progetto
Stefano Papirio, Giovanni Esposito, Luigi Frunzo
Responsabili scientifici DICEA
Stefano Papirio, Giovanni Esposito
ENI CBC MED 2014-2020
Importo progetto
3.191K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
374K €
Durata del progetto
3 anni
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Stefano Papirio, Giovanni Esposito, Alessandra Cesaro, Francesco Pirozzi, Ester Scotto di Perta
Hundreds of local open markets are distributed across the Mediterranean region. Local open market waste management, which represents a big challenge for the area, is directly affected by population growth and concentration, urbanization and tourism. For instance, the waste flow rate varies from 3 to 5 and 10 to 12 tons per day in the open markets located in Sfax (Tunisia) and Amman (Jordan), respectively. In view of the large influx of inhabitants expected in urban areas (72% of the population of the Mediterranean region will probably be living in urban areas in 2025), the sustainable management of waste in markets is now a priority. CEOMED aims to reduce municipal waste generation, promote source-separated collection and the optimal exploitation of the organic component by recovering energy and recycling nutrients. Additionally, the project will train local stakeholders, i.e. consumers, sellers, the informal sector of waste collecting, scholars, farmers, technical and administrative staff, to make sure they have the knowledge and skills to contribute to improving waste management.
Sito web
IDENER (Spain); CSIC Instituto de la Grasa (Spain); DUTH – Democratic University of Thrace (Greece); University of Jordan (Jordan); Centre Biotechnologie de Sfax (Tunisia)
BIOFEEDSTOCK – Sviluppo di piattaforme tecnologiche integrate per la valorizzazione di biomasse residuali
ICAR/03 – Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale
Importo progetto
4.180K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
200K €
42 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Piero Salatino
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesco Pirozzi
Partecipanti al progetto DICEA
Alessandra Cesaro, Giovanni Esposito, Massimiliano Fabbricino, Stefano Papirio, Francesco Pirozzi
Esistono estese e importanti opportunità di valorizzazione di biomasse residuali dai comparti civile, industriale, agricolo e forestale che sono attualmente sfruttate in misura molto marginale. La prospettiva è quella di implementare in maniera più compiuta i principi dell’economia circolare attraverso il ricorso a soluzioni tecnologicamente avanzate che migliorino la sostenibilità dei processi che generano sottoprodotti di natura biogenica – senza pregiudicarne la redditività economica – ovvero che valorizzino prodotti di natura biogenica giunti a fine vita.
Il progetto affronta questo obiettivo con un approccio di sistema, partendo dalla identificazione dei bacini di potenziale approvvigionamento delle biomasse residuali, attraverso la identificazione delle caratteristiche chimico/fisiche e merceologiche delle biomasse residuali, la sperimentazione di processi alternativi di pretrattamento delocalizzato (digestione, pirolisi o pirogassificazione in situ), la caratterizzazione chimico/fisica degli intermedi biogenici (biofeedstock) derivanti da trattamento delocalizzato in funzione delle condizioni di processo, per approdare alla valutazione del potenziale di valorizzazione degli intermedi (biofeedstock) in “bioraffineria” per la produzione di biocombustibili sostenibili e/o biochemicals e per la conversione termoelettrica a rendimento elevato.
The project introduces new technologies for an early prediction of flowslides and it focuses on a simulation chain based on the real–time interaction between measurements of factors predisposing to flowslides and a physically-based model set up for the triggering prediction, devoted to work during critical rainfalls, giving real time forecasting. The model has to interface with a meteorological code providing forecast precipitation; in this way the model is able to make an early prediction of flow-slides occurrence. The simulation chain will be developed first at slope scale (in pilot site) and then extended to the territorial scale (basin). In particular, in this proposal the development of new sensor (prototype) to be installed into subsoil, measuring actual soil water content and negative pore water pressure (suction) at pilot sites, and the technologies to transmit the data to a Data Center, where the numerical model runs (before or during heavy rainfalls) will be carried out.
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
ENI S.p.A.
Syndial S.p.A.
Graded S.p.A.
Hydrolab S.r.l.
Università degli Studi della Tuscia
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Università degli Studi della Basilicata
GORI Gestione Ottimale delle Risorse Idriche S.p.A.
CRdC Tecnologie S.c.a.r.l.
Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile S.c.a.r.l.
SISIFO – Seismic Impedance for Soil-structure Interaction From On-site tests
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Horizon 2020
24 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Francesco Silvestri
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesco Silvestri
Partecipanti al progetto DICEA
Filomena de Silva
Sono state eseguite prove di oscillazione libera e forzata su una struttura fondata su terreni molto deformabili. I risultati sono stati opportunamente interpretati attraverso le equazioni di equilibrio dinamico per valutare sperimentalmente (i) le funzioni di impedenza terreno-fondazione, (ii) la capacità dissipativa della fondazione in condizioni dinamiche.
Università Aristotele di Salonicco, Grecia
Revisione CSdA per manutenzione di strati di usura di pavimentazioni stradali
ICAR/04 – Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti
Responsabile scientifico
Francesca Russo
Centri di competenza
Città Metropolitana di Napoli
Lo studio è focalizzato su tematiche inerenti a) l’approfondimento delle metodologie a base dei test di laboratorio per il collaudo dei materiali stradali da impiegarsi nelle attività di manutenzioni delle sovrastrutture in conglomerato bituminoso e b) l’aggiornamento del Capitolato Speciale di Appalto, con specifico riferimento alla sezione riguardante le sovrastrutture stradali, alla luce delle Normative Europee di settore.
ICAR/20 – Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica
Finanziamento Cariplo
Importo progetto
70K €
Responsabile scientifico progetto
Massimo Bricocoli
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Carmela Gargiulo
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Gerardo Carpentieri, Federica Gaglione, Carmen Guida, Floriana Zucaro
In a time of aging society and of local welfare policies, restructuring, significant programs are favoring the development of services supporting aging in place, versus institutionalized solutions such as nursing homes. A lot is to be investigated to understand how joint innovation in the provision of care services, and in the reorganization of urban living environments may provide quality of life (QofL) and wellbeing to those ageing at home. Within this context, the aim of the research is twofold. First it aims at investigating which role local public transport (LPT), and welfare and community services play in improving the QofL of elderly. For this purpose, an analysis of the supply and demand of local public transport (LPT), and of welfare and community services concerning the elderly (people aged 65+, divided into three groups: 65-69; 70-74; 75+), living in the municipality of Milan, is carried out. Second, it aims at providing the public administration with a GIS decision support tool to find out the most appropriate forms of governance to improve and integrate care services for the elderly and urban policy and mobility measures in the city of Milan. The integration of research approaches and policy tools that are developed in the domain of social and healthcare policies with those developed in the domain of urban planning and mobility is relevant to develop an effective integrated and spatially sound governance of welfare and community services. The methodology consists of: (i) an investigation and literature review on the issues concerned with policies aimed at aging in place with a focus on the implications in terms of related mobility issues and on the supply and demand of welfare services and community welfare; (ii) data collection on the macro neighborhoods (Nuclei di Identità Locale – NIL) concerning: residential density of elderly, demographic turnover; socio-economic data; functional mix; local public transport (LPT) accessibility index; origin and destination (O/D) matrix of elderly; LPT customer satisfaction for elderly; physical location barriers; use of the bike sharing system by elderly; location and physical and functional characteristics of community, welfare services (inclusing bottom-up practices); (iii) a survey addressed to a representative sample of elders living in some selected neighborhoods and aiming at integrating quantitative data with qualitative information on the specific and context related constraints that the elderly experience in their daily life and in the accessibility to welfare services; (iv) monitoring of a group of selected elders in their daily activities using wearable sensors and GPS trackers and combined with diary with a written overview of their activities in order to understand their mobility practices, their satisfaction in using LPT system and welfare services; (iv) the development of a GIS decision support tool for public administrations is to find out the most appropriate forms of governance to improve and integrate care services for the elderly and urban policy and mobility measures in the city of Milan. Besides, the GIS-based supply demand mapping tool is able to determine the impact assessment of different scenarios, by analyzing the relationship between the several social, housing and economic needs of the elderly population and welfare services mainly in terms of accessibility. In other words, the tool will be able to merge the different ageing people’s aspirations together with the physical and functional urban resources through the integration of traditional data as well as techniques (e.g. usual ISTAT data, surveys) with more innovative analysis techniques such as the lessical, network, big data ones, in order to better detect the ageing social demand.
Sito web
Politecnico di Milano, University of Groningen
Polimeri di modifica di bitumi e miscele in conglomerato
ICAR/04 – Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti
Responsabile scientifico
Francesca Russo
Importo progetto
Non oneroso
Lo studio si focalizza sulle tecnologie eco-sostenibili da adottare nel processo di mix design dei conglomerati bituminosi ad uso stradale, con particolare riferimento all’impiego di residui da demolizione e costruzione di opere civili, fresato, plastica, al fine di indagare l’efficacia di nuovi polimeri di modifica delle miscele che siano tecnologicamente innovativi, da un lato, e contribuiscano, dall’altro, a migliorarne le proprietà meccaniche ed eco-sostenibili finali del prodotto.
PHUSICOS – According to nature
ICAR/02 – Costruzioni Idrauliche e Marittime e Idrologia
Denominazione attività
PHUSICOS – “According to nature”
Durata del progetto
60 mesi
Responsabile scientifico progetto
Farrokh Nadim [Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)]
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesco De Paola
Importo progetto
9.472K €
Finaziamento per DICEA
474K €
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Francesco De Paola, Maurizio Giugni, Gianfranco Urciuoli, Alfonso Corniello, Paolo Budetta, Marialuce Stanganelli, Francesco Pugliese, Silvia Autori, Gerardo Caroppi, Carlo Gerundo, Antonio Pignalosa
PHUSICOS, meaning ‘According to nature’ in Greek, demonstrates how nature-based solutions (NBSs) provide robust, sustainable and cost-effective measures for reducing the risk of extreme weather events in rural mountain landscapes. Although mountains amplify risks, mountainous regions do not receive the same attention as populated urban areas in European disaster risk reduction plans. PHUSICOS fills the knowledge gap related to NBSs for hydro-meteorological hazards (flooding, erosion, landslides) by implementing NBSs at several European case study sites. These sites comprise 3 large-scale demonstrator sites in Italy, France/Spain/Andorra and Norway and 2 small-scale complementary concept cases in Austria and Germany. PHUSICOS relies on a transdisciplinary consortium of 15 partners from 7 European Countries, with expertise from public authorities, research institutes and universities to develop innovative actions on 5 fronts: technical, service, governance, learning arena and innovation
Sito web
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI); Technical University of Munich (TUM); University of Naples Federico II (UNINA); Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM); University of Siena (UNISI); Risques & Development (R&D); International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); University of Vienna (UNIVIE); University of Geneve (UNIGE); OPPLAND Fylkeskommune (OPPLAND); Consorcio de la Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pireneos (CTP); Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale del Serchio (ADBS); Centro de Investigation Ecologica Y Aplicaciones Forestales (CREAF); Paris-London-Universitat Salzburg (PLUS); Agence Ter
SCN_00489 SMART WATERTECH – Smart Community per lo Sviluppo e l’Applicazione di Tecnologie di Monitoraggio e Sistemi di Controllo Innovativi per il Servizio Idrico Integrato
ICAR/02 – Costruzioni Idrauliche e Marittime e Idrologia
Responsabile scientifico del progetto
Armando Brath
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Francesco De Paola
Importo progetto
13.700K €
Finanziamento per DICEA
620K €
30 mesi
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Francesco De Paola, Maurizio Giugni, Francesco Pugliese
Il progetto è rivolto alla identificazione di strumenti e strategie per definire un adeguato livello di sicurezza nell’approvvigionamento e nel servizio idrico potabile, irriguo ed industriale, ed un efficiente ed economico monitoraggio dei sistemi idrici, con specifico riferimento al trattamento delle acque e dei reflui. Sviluppa: a) nuovi sensori e sistemi caratterizzati da costi contenuti ed elevata affidabilità (basati su tecnologie radar ed optoelettroniche) quali sensori radar portatili per il monitoraggio delle perdite nelle rete idrica, reti di sensori wireless per il monitoraggio pervasivo dei consumi idrici, sistemi di monitoraggio quali-quantitativo nelle reti fognarie; b) sistemi integrati per la raccolta e presentazione dei dati: modelli ed algoritmi per l’elaborazione tomografica di dati radar, algoritmi di data fusion per l’integrazione di sensori distribuiti e georadar; c) sistemi di Supporto Decisionale per la pianificazione e ottimizzazione dei parametri della rete.
Alma Mater Università di Bologna, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università di Palermo, Università di Trento, CNR-IREA, ABC Acqua Bene Comune, Acquedotto Pugliese, Iren Acqua e Gas, MdA, Aster, Digimat, ICampus, International University College, Nexsoft
COST Action CA16219 – Harmonization of UAS techniques for agricultural and natural ecosystems monitoring
ICAR/02 – Costruzioni Idrauliche e Marittime e Idrologia
COST Action
COST Association EU
Importo progetto
717 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
247 k€
50 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Salvatore Manfreda
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Salvatore Manfreda, Domenico Pianese, Angelo Avino, Dina Pirone
Environmental monitoring is a critical issue for comprehending climate impact on natural and agricultural systems, understanding hydrological processes, optimizing water resources, and preventing natural disasters. Nowadays, most of available data is obtained with ground-based measurements or remote sensing that provide limited information in terms of spatial extent or resolution (temporal or spatial). In this context, one of the greatest potential in environmental monitoring is represented by the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) whose application and use is rapidly growing in the scientific community. These devices offer an extraordinary opportunity to fill the existing gap between remote sensing and field measurements providing high resolution measurements over wide areas and at high frequency. UASs allow to extend and improve the description of river basin hydrology, agricultural systems and natural ecosystems affording an impressive level of detail. Several new UAS-based approaches have been recently introduced to monitor soil water content, vegetation state, river evolution and stream flow during low-flow and floods. Such measurement practices, algorithms and data assimilation techniques should be harmonized in order to enhance our ability to monitor the environment. The Action will co-ordinate efforts to address these issues, by establishing harmonized monitoring practices, enhancing the use of observations by promoting new monitoring strategies, bringing together different communities, facilitating data transfer, upgrading and enlarging knowledge through networking, exchange and training, and linking them to activities in international agencies and global networks.
Sito web
Austria Dr Elmar SCHMALTZ Austria Prof Gernot PAULUS Belgium Dr Michez ADRIEN Belgium Prof Anne-Claude ROMAIN Bosnia and Herzegovina Dr Marina ANTIC Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof Gordana DJURIC Bulgaria Dr Iliyan KOTSEV Bulgaria Dr Ivaylo TSVETKOV Croatia Dr Mario MILER Croatia Mr Josip RUKAVINA Cyprus Dr Giorgos PAPADAVID Cyprus Mr Giannis CHRYSOSTOMOU Czech Republic Dr Jana MULLEROVA Czech Republic Mr Petr DVORAK Denmark Dr Monica GARCIA Denmark Mr Jesper SVENSGAARD Estonia Mr Marko KOHV Finland Dr Jon ATHERTON Finland Dr Pavel ALEKSEYCHIK France Prof Christophe CUDENNEC Germany Dr Friederike GNÄDINGER Germany Dr Holger LILIENTHAL Greece Dr Maria TSIAFOULI Greece Prof Giorgos MALLINIS Hungary Dr Brigitta TOTH Hungary Dr László BERTALAN Iceland Dr Bryndís MARTEINSDOTTIR Iceland Mr Victor MADRIGAL Ireland Dr Conor CAHALANE Ireland Mr Rob O’HARA Israel Dr Rafi KENT Israel Prof Eyal BEN-DOR Italy Prof Giuseppe CIRAOLO Latvia Mr Juris SINICA-SINAVSKIS Latvia Ms Evija PLONE Lithuania Dr Diana VAIČIŪTĖ Malta Dr Kevin GATT Malta Mr Emanuele COLICA Montenegro Dr Vesna MARAS Montenegro Dr Vladan BOZOVIC Netherlands Dr Sander MUCHER Netherlands Prof Zhongbo SU North Macedonia Prof Dimitar TRAJANOV North Macedonia Prof Igor MISHKOVSKI Norway Dr Corine DAVIDS Norway Dr Stein Rune KARLSEN Poland Dr Tomasz BEREZOWSKI Poland Prof Jaroslaw CHORMANSKI Portugal Prof Isabel DE LIMA Portugal Prof João L.m. PEDROSO DE LIMA Romania Dr Ioan – Sorin HERBAN Romania Prof Ana Cornelia BADEA Serbia Dr Jugoslav JOKOVIC Serbia Prof Jasna PLAVSIC Slovakia Dr Martin MOKROŠ Slovakia Mr Marián MARČIŠ Slovenia Dr Urban ŠILC Slovenia Mr Matjaz NEKREP PERC Spain Dr Pablo RODRÍGUEZ-GONZÁLVEZ Spain Prof Felix FRANCES Sweden Dr Giulia VICO Sweden Dr Guiomar RUIZ-PÉREZ Switzerland Dr Helge AASEN Turkey Dr Abdurrahim AYDIN Turkey Dr Haci Mehmet GUZEY United Kingdom Dr Antonino MALTESE United Kingdom Dr Pauline MILLER
GRISIS – Gestione dei Rischi e Sicurezza delle Infrastrutture a Scala Regionale
GEO/05 – Geologia Applicata
Regione Campania
Importo progetto
4.877 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
220 k€
48 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Prof. Iunio Iervolino
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Prof. Antonio Santo
Partecipanti progetto
Antonio Santo; Giovanni Forte; Melania De Falco; Marianna Pirone; Gianfranco Urciuoli; Ermanno Marino; Paolo Budetta; Francesco De Paola; Maurizio Giugni.
ll progetto GRISIS ha sviluppato metodologie, tecniche e procedure finalizzate alla valutazione dei rischi ed alla gestione della sicurezza delle grandi infrastrutture civili e delle reti di beni e servizi, su scala regionale. Ai fini del raggiungimento di tale obiettivo, sono state sviluppate nuove soluzioni tecnologiche per la messa in sicurezza di tali infrastrutture, metodologie ed applicativi software per la valutazione di scenari di rischio simico ed idrogeologico su scala regionale, con possibilità di previsioni di danno al fine di individuare efficaci misure di mitigazione del rischio stesso.
Sito web
http://www.progetto-grisis.it/index.php; http://www.progetto-grisis.it/index.php/versante-autostrada-na-sa-san-pantaleone
Stress; DIST; DICEA; DIETI; GENEGIS Italia s.r.l.; Tecno in s.p.a.; Tecno System s.p.a.; ETT s.p.a.; ITC-CNR; Consorzio TRE;
SICURFER – Tecnologie innovative per la SICURezza della circolazione dei veicoli FERroviari
ICAR/04 – Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti
Importo progetto
Responsabile scientifico
Francesca Russo
Sviluppo di tecnologie per incrementare la sicurezza e l’efficienza nel sistema ferroviario.
Consorzio TRAIN, Softeco Sismat S.r.l., Ansaldo Sts S.p.a., Selex Es S.p.a., Tecnologie nelle Reti e nei Sistemi T.R.S. S.p.a., Università degli Studi del Sannio, TEST S.c.a.r.l., Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Ente Autonomo Volturno S.r.l., Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.a., Isarail S.p.a., Contact S.r.l., Tecnosistem S.p.a., Intect S.p.a., 3F&EDIN S.p.a., Strago S.p.a.
S4CE – Science for Clean Energy
ICAR/02, ICAR/03, GEO/05
Responsabile scientifico progetto
Alberto Striolo (UCL)
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Massimiliano Fabbricino
Gruppo di ricerca
Massimiliano Fabbricino, Daniela Ducci, Domenico Pianese, Francesco Pirozzi, Andrea D’Aniello, Mariangela Sellerino
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Importo progetto
9.785K €
42 mesi
The Horizon 2020 project S4CE aims to develop, test and implement technologies needed for successfully detecting, quantifying and mitigating the risks connected with geo-energy operations in the sub-surface. The operations considered by this consortium include geothermal energy, enhanced gas recovery, carbon sequestration, and unconventional operations. Uniquely, the S4CE consortium benefits from several field sites, at different stages of their lifetimes. The availability of these sites, and the collaboration among the partners offer exceptional educational opportunities for training the next generation of scientists and engineers who will operate effectively and responsibly in the sub-surface energy sector.
Sito web
ICAR/01 – Idraulica
EU’s Atlantic Area co-operation programme 2014-2020
Importo progetto
2.900K €
Il progetto REDAWN intende sviluppare un ambiente istituzionale, sociale e tecnologico adeguato per l’incremento della efficienza energetica delle reti idriche nei settori idropotabile, irriguo, delle acque reflue e industriali.L’industria dei servizi idrici rappresenta il quarto settore europeo come uso intensivo delle risorse energetiche ed è responsabile nell’Unione Europea di un considerevole contributo alle emissioni di CO2. L’impiego di tecnologie adeguate a basso costo in impianti di micro generazione consentirà il recupero energetico nei punti in cui la pressione in rete è maggiore di quella ottimale, consentendo, altresì la riduzione dell’impatto del settore sull’ambiente, dei costi di gestione del servizio idrico e dei costi per l’utenza.
Assessment toolkit in complying with the Directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management
ICAR/04 – Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti
Responsabile scientifico
Francesca Russo
Finanziamento di Ateneo
Importo progetto
25K €
Sviluppo di metodologie avanzate per la messa a punto di interventi di manutenzione per strade extraurbane secondarie sulla base di procedure di rilievo ed analisi della congruenza geometrica dei tracciati.
Stabilità e sicurezza del territorio
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Importo progetto
Il gruppo di ricerca costituito da M.V. Nicotera, L. Pagano e G. Urciuoli si occupa di stabilità e sicurezza del territorio rispetto a possibili dissesti del sottosuolo e dei pendii e svolge in particolare le seguenti attività: i) monitoraggio ed analisi di stabilità dei pendii (con particolare riferimento alle colate di fango nei terreni piroclastici ed alle colate di argilla); ii) interpretazione del comportamento degli interventi di stabilizzazione dei pendii sulla base di dati di monitoraggio; iii) sperimentazione sui terreni vulcanici in regime di parziale saturazione. In particolare le attività riguardano lo studio degli aspetti meccanici e cinematici delle frane di colata di argilla e l’interpretazione del loro comportamento sulla base del monitoraggio di alcuni siti interessati da frane. Per quanto riguarda le frane di colata rapida in terreni piroclastici, il gruppo svolge un’ampia attività sperimentale di laboratorio sui terreni parzialmente saturi e si occupa dell’analisi dell’innesco di queste frane in risposta ad eventi meteorologici particolarmente gravosi, individuando le condizioni favorevoli alla rottura. I risultati di queste ricerche vengono utilizzati in ambito socio-economico, per lo sviluppo di sistemi di early warning per la gestione delle aree minacciate da frane pericolose per la vita umana e per la messa a punto di interventi innovativi per la mitigazione del rischio di frana.
LIQUEFACT – Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction potential across Europe: a holistic approach to protect structures / infrastructures for improved resilience to earthquake-induced liquefaction disasters
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Importo progetto
615K €
Over the past decade, earthquakes proved to be the deadliest of all European disasters, with almost 19,000 fatalities and direct economic losses of approx. euro;29 billion. Earthquake Induced Liquefaction Disasters (EILDs) is responsible for tremendous amounts of the structural damages and fatalities; with experiences from recent events giving example of where approx. half of the economic loss was directly caused by liquefaction. Liquefaction is a phenomenon, with previously a low profile until recent earthquake events, in which the stiffness and strength of soil is reduced by seismic activity. With the causes of Liquefaction being known, it is important to recognize the factors that contribute to its occurrence; as well as the resulting hazards. The theory on how to address the subject has been comprehensive, as well as the engineering to reduce its consequences of liquefaction already developed; however, recent findings and advances need to be accurately examined in order to implement mitigation strategies practically. A systematic approach is needed for assessing the possibility of liquefaction on a site, prior to construction, then implementing the most appropriate liquefaction mitigation techniques. However, the variability of circumstances, invariably translates to multiple approaches of implementation, based on the susceptibility of the location to liquefaction, as well as the type and size of structure. The LIQUEFACT project addresses the mitigation of risks to EILD events in European communities with a holistic approach. The project not only deals with the resistance of structures to EILD events, but also, the resilience of the collective urban community in relation to their quick recovery from an occurrence. The LIQUEFACT project sets out to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of EILDs, the applications of the mitigation techniques, and the development of more appropriate techniques tailored to each specific scenario, for both Europe and global.
Geotecnica – ICAR/07
Importo progetto
258K €
Training Engineers and Researchers to Rethink geotechnical Engineering for a low carbon future.
Geotecnica – ICAR/07
POR Campania
Importo progetto
1.501K €
Trattamenti Colonnari per l’Isolamento Sismico e Idraulico.
Definizione dei valori di fondo per le acque dei corpi idrici sotterranei significativi della Regione Campania e eventuale proposizione di nuovi valori soglia
Geologia applicata – GEO/05
Importo progetto
43K €
Trasporti – ICAR/05
Importo progetto
350K €
Italy is known in the world as the richest touristic territory having most of historical sites. At the same time commercial activities and brands represent a real asset and an opportunity to better exploit within the European community and beyond. An essential factor to enhance the access to these resources is represented by the logistics system of transportation, to which increasing efficiency and sustainability are being demanded. In the chain of the logistics nodes in a domestic transportation system, today the airport is a key entity, as it provides much faster links and exchanges than the other modes, and, given the liberalization of the air transport market, even at much lower costs than in the past years. These aspects, with the pervasive effects of markets globalization, have produced an increase in demand, resulting in a growth of air traffic. Despite the current effects of the global economic crisis, reliable forecasts see a doubling of traffic by 2020.In this context, the chronic suffering of the airport sites in terms of efficiency, safety and sustainability shows increasingly critical levels, creating inefficiencies for passengers as well as goods. Airport sites represent a real bottleneck of the whole chain of the air transport system and the global improvement in the efficiency of the air segment is more and more dependent on the performance level offered by the airport sites themselves. The project aims at investigating and proposing innovative solutions on the aspects identified as limiting the efficient management of the Airport, and, more in general, limiting the efficiency of the overall transportation system. On the one hand, in fact, the project will study and propose innovative technological solutions to improve the functionality, efficiency, safety and sustainability of the individual airport services, and on the other it will design and implement a technological modular scalable and configurable layer capable of: activating a flow of information among the various departments / heterogeneous subsystems operating in the airport; defining, instantiating, monitoring and orchestrating- in an automatic and semi-automatic manner (ie human-in-loop)- airport processes fed by information produced by the subsystems in order to optimize the operation and functionality of the airport; creating capabilities of semantic data fusion able to generate enriched data based on the elementary information gathered; creating predictive capabilities for the dynamic definition of the current and prospective scenarios. The platform will operate as an airport orchestrator analyzing the information provided by the various subsystems of the stakeholders, and depending on the outcome of this phase it will implement appropriate actions towards the stakeholders involved in the process, to increase their awareness and enable an extended collaborative decision making process.
Trasporti – ICAR/05
Finanziamento DICEA
190K €
The project APPS4Safety – Active Preventive Passive Solutions for Safety: an integrated approach to develop safer cars is finalized to evolve the automotive design and validation process with the aim to include virtual engineering methods and tools that can help the development of technologies and systems for a safer car with respect to the passive, active and preventive safety performance requirements.EndFragment The project will address research items with a multidisciplinary approach, which includeS analysis of hospital data records from accidents databases; clustering of accidents into transport scenarios according to their characteristics; mechanical design of structural components of the vehicles; identification and/or development of technologies and systems for active and preventive safety; usage of driver in the loop simulators for the assessment of those systems; definition of test procedures for these systems in virtual environment, laboratory and on the vehicle. The approach passes through a multiple shift of testing environments, from road to lab to virtual, which necessarily requests the qualification of each one of them in order to give the necessary level of confidence of the demonstrated safety performance results.
Geologia applicata – GEO/05
Importo progetto
Groundwater monitoring
Trasporti – ICAR/05
Importo progetto
225K €
Study of a railway signaling system based on the innovative use of satellite technologies and on their integration with ground technologies.
Trasporti – ICAR/05
Metropolis – Metodologie e Tecnologie Integrate e Sostenibili per l’Adattamento e la Sicurezza di Sistemi Urbani
GEO/05 – Geologia Applicata
Importo progetto
9.156 k€
Finanziamento per DICEA
200 k€
48 mesi
Responsabile scientifico
Prof. Gerardo Verderame
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Prof. Antonio Santo
Partecipanti progetto
Antonio Santo; Giovanni Forte; Melania De Falco; Paolo Budetta; Gianfranco Urciuoli; Marianna Pirone; Francesco De Paola; Maurizio Giugni; Giuseppe Speranza
l progetto si pone l’obiettivo di proporre un approccio innovativo finalizzato alla gestione ed alla mitigazione dei rischi, antropici e naturali, ai quali i contesti urbanizzati sono quotidianamente soggetti. Lo scopo si concretizza nella definizione di metodologie, nello sviluppo di tecnologie innovative e sostenibili per la valutazione e la gestione dei rischi in ambiente urbano, al fine di indirizzare strategie di mitigazione sulla base di uno strumento integrato di supporto alle decisioni, attraverso un approccio multidisciplinare che rappresenti la dinamicità delle sue evoluzioni, secondo il paradigma di sviluppo sicuro e sostenibile.
Sito web
Stress; DIST; DICEA; UNISANNIO; AMRA scarl; D’Appolonia s.p.a.; DIARC; ICIE Soc. Coop. arl.; Tecno System s.p.a.; GEOSLAB s.r.l.; Tecno in s.p.a.; Costruire s.p.a.; ETT s.p.a.
SEM – Smart Energy Master for the energy management of territory
ICAR/20 – Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica
Importo progetto
2.000K €
Responsabile scientifico DICEA
Carmela Gargiulo
Partecipanti progetto DICEA
Rocco Papa, Rosa Anna La Rocca, Floriana Zucaro, Gerardo Carpentieri
The Project SEM is aimed at the development of a model of governance for energy saving and efficiency of the territory with reference to both the urban areas and complex buildings. SEM aims to define a new tool;energy governance; at the urban scale and simultaneously promote technical skills and good behavior among technicians, professionals, residents and users of the city. The goal of SEM is to develop and propose best practices and integrated solutions, oriented towards energy savings and efficiency improvements that relate the characteristics of the city, urban activities, mobility, environmental sustainability and behavior of the inhabitants.
Sito Web
Trasporti – ICAR/05
POR Campania
Importo progetto
140K €
Geotecnica – ICAR/07
FP7 People 2013
Importo progetto
63K €
GREAT – Geotechnical and geological Responses to climate change: Exchanging Approaches and Technologies on a world-wide scale.
Geotecnica – ICAR/07
Importo progetto
150K €
Studio ed analisi di interventi con iniezioni soffici nel sottosuolo.
Caratterizzazione chimica delle acque di falda della Piana Campana per l’identificazione delle impronte chimiche ‘naturali’ ai fini della valutazione dei valori soglia di alcuni ioni indicatori di contaminazione antropica e di una successiva calibrazione
Geologia applicata – GEO/05
Campania Region
Importo progetto
390K €
Port Community System
ICAR/05 -Trasporti
ERDF funding (Programme MED) + national cofinancing
Importo progetto
150K €
ICAR/01- Idraulica
Importo progetto
3.500K €
Interdisciplinary study of Seismic Micro zoning of Mendoza cit
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Importo progetto
30K €
ICAR/05 -Trasporti
Importo progetto
700K €
Service Assessment and Failure of Earth Structures
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Marie Curie Career Integration Grant
Importo progetto
60K €
Environmental characterization of the area of litorale domizio-agro aversano
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Importo progetto
478K €
ICAR/01 – Idraulica
Importo progetto
2.500K €
Effects of non synchronism on seismic bridge response
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Importo progetto
30K €
Site response analysis and lifelines
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Importo progetto
93K €
ICAR/05 -Trasporti
Importo progetto
200K €
Definition of geological model sand site amplification for impulsive earthquakes near-source
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
Importo progetto
45K €
ICAR/05 -Trasporti
Importo progetto
10K €