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Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering

The professional figure trained by the Degree Course has knowledge and methodological skills to contribute to the design and construction of civil works.

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Offerta didattica
Corsi di laurea

L'offerta didattica del DICEA è composta da quattro corsi di laurea triennale, tre corsi di laurea magistrale e un corso di laurea a ciclo unico.

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Ingegneria dei Sistemi Civili

Il Dottorato si propone di formare nuove generazioni di ricercatori, progettisti e tecnici di alta qualificazione e di promuovere l’innovazione tecnologica e dei processi.

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The Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of the University of Napoli Federico II has been established in 2013.
Since its foundation the different disciplines characterizing the Department are conventionally grouped together in the following main subject areas: Water Engineering, Water Systems and Environmental Engineering; Engineering of Transportation Systems and Infrastructures; Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology; Building, Urban, Landscape and Architectural Engineering.

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800 Federico II

800 anni Federico II - Ingegneria