Ph.D. programme in Civil Systems Engineering


prof. eng. Andrea Papola

The Ph.D. course in Civil Systems Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II aims at shaping next generation, highly qualified researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and technicians able to lead and anticipate unprecedented revolutions in civil systems engineering.

Enrolled candidates will be leading-edge managers of key societal issues, including scarcity of environmental resources, unprecedented pressure on populations and territories, need to develop – economic, environmental, societal – sustainable and resilient civil systems. They will be able to lead technological and digital transitions of civil systems, with specific focus on automation, connectivity, and cooperation.

Overall, the PhD program promotes technological and process innovation in civil systems, environmental, and infrastructure engineering, governance and management of territorial transformations, rational and sustainable implementation of civil manufacts and services.


Civil systems engineering is experiencing unprecedented revolutions, with ground-breaking opportunities offered by revolutions in digitalisation and in enabling technologies. Reshaping the traditional role of civil systems engineers is a key challenge, to be pursued with an interdisciplinary approach and with a modern view of skills and solutions to be offered.

The PhD program in Civil Systems Engineering (CSE-PhD) aims at anticipating such transformations, by creating an innovative and flexible research environment able to lead the development of new paradigms and tools/solutions able to intercept and predict market trends/needs, with an interdisciplinary and internationally recognised approach.

The CSE-PhD program develops its activities along three key directions:

  • Internationalisation: a consolidated network of collaborations with prominent research centres worldwide is available to let PhD students to develop their research in tune with leading-edge trends.
  • Personal growth: a solid background on leading topics in civil systems engineering will be developed, thanks both to the internal faculty and to a series of training initiatives that will boost the skills of enrolled PhD students.
  • Eye to the market: relevant public and private stakeholders will be part of the training process, sharing their needs and creating a living lab environment to showcase the outcomes of proposed research by PhD students.

Why enrol

  • To be part of the research group of one of the most ancient universities in the world, within a stimulating research environment, in connection with prominent research groups worldwide.
  • To make the most of the consolidated network of stakeholders and shareholders that can support, fund, and showcase research activities.
  • To join a group of experienced, prominent researchers in civil systems engineering.

Services to PhD students

The Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, in which the PhD program in Civil Systems Engineering is hinged, has long been working to build new spaces – both indoor and outdoor – and new study rooms for bachelor’s, master’s and PhD students. In March 2023, the study room named after Prof. Vittorio Biggiero and Fabio Rossi was inaugurated, and another study room will be inaugurated soon. In addition, an education office is being established to take care of the needs of bachelor’s, master’s and PhD students.

PhD Quality Management Unit (UGQ-PhD)

To monitor the achievement of the proposed objectives, the pathway of phd students (periods abroad, participation in conferences, research products) and to define Quality Assurance procedures (review, corrective actions, timeframes and methods), the Course has identified a PhD Quality Management Unit (UGQ-PhD) composed by Professors Emilio Bilotta, Francesca Russo and Stefano Papirio and chaired by the Course Coordinator.

Research orientation activities conducted by the PhD board

The professors of the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, in which the Civil Systems Engineering PhD course is hinged, have, overall, a strong ability to attract funds to finance and/or co-finance PhD scholarships. To appropriately allocate the PhD scholarships that become available each year, the PhD board of the Civil Systems Engineering PhD course, assisted by all the professors of the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, publicises the PhD scholarships on offer to master students through various social channels (Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin) and various national and international mailing lists. Since this year, the Civil Systems Engineering PhD course has also participated to the “Career Day”, an orientation day dedicated to all master’s students. At this event, three PhD students from the Civil Systems Engineering course publicised the course to all master’s students through videos, slides, brochures, and personal testimonials.

Research topics


  • Hydraulic measurements, transportation and turbulent mixing in open channel flows
  • Two phases exchange processes (air-water)
  • Dynamics and morphology of hillsides and rivers
  • Soil erosion and qualitative and quantitative evaluation of solid transport to rivers, artificial reservoirs and coastlines
  • Prediction and modeling of debris flows and mud flows
  • Water distribution networks and wastewater systems in urban and rural environment
  • Pressure management and renewable energy production in water distribution networks
  • Seismic reliability of hydraulic structures
  • Design of pumping systems under the European Directive on “eco-design”
  • Qualitative and quantitative control and management of surface and ground water resources
  • Sustainable management of artificial reservoirs and dams
  • Modeling of aquifers at different observation scales
  • Environmental and energetic issues related to groundwater utilization
  • Flood protection policies
  • Planning of water courses and watersheds management works
  • Climate change impact on water resources and on extreme hydrological events
  • Maritime and coastal engineering
  • Innovative biological and physico-chemical processes and technologies for water treatment
  • Sustainable management of nutrients in wastewater
  • Evaluation and detection of microplastics in water and sewage sludge
  • Biological waste-to-energy valorization
  • Circular economy and production of high-value commodities from residual organic feedstocks
  • Recovery of critical metals and rare earths from wastewater and solid waste
  • Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) and storage (CCS) technologies for the mitigation of greenhouse gases and climate change
  • Technologies and processes for soil remediation


  • Decision-making process and role of transportation systems engineering
    • Planning, design, management and monitoring of infrastructures and services for passenger and freight transport
    • Public engagement
  • Analysis and modeling of passenger and freight transportation systems
    • Discrete choice models for travel demand estimation
    • Models and methods for travel demand estimation through traffic measures
    • Development of macroscopic and microscopic models and decision support systems
    • Simulation, optimization and control of transportation networks
    • Analysis and modeling of drivers’ behavior
    • Analysis and modeling of pedestrian and vehicular flows
    • Paradigms, approaches and methods for the development of digital and sustainable freight transport systems
  • Theories and techniques for design, construction and management of highways, railways and airports
    • Models and methods for design, construction and management of transportation infrastructures
    • Models and methods for design, construction and management of pavements and railroad track structures
    • Monitoring, control and maintenance of transportation infrastructures and pavements
    • Building Information Modeling (BIM) for road, rail and airport infrastructure
  • Models and methods for sustainable mobility
    • Methods and models for networks safety management
    • Energy and environmental sustainability
    • Environmental effects of infrastructures construction and operation
    • New forms of passenger and freight transport (mobility-as-a-service, freight-as-a-service, …)
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • Impact of technologies on systems design (smart, lean and green infrastructures)
    • Advanced systems for traveler information, traffic control and driver assistance


  • City, mobility and environment: from the building up of a shared scientific paradigm to the definition of integrated design techniques
  • Resilience and vulnerability of urban and territorial systems to natural and man-made risks
  • Processes of urban transformation/requalification and enhancement of the real estate asset
  • Smart Cities: from the interpretative paradigms to the evolution of the urban transformations management tools.
  • Sustainability analysis and assessment of urban and territorial development
  • Energy saving and efficiency in the planning and management of urban transformations
  • City and energy: planning and management of urban and territorial transformations for environmental sustainability and energy saving.
  • City, mobility and energy for building up climate change resilient cities
  • Ecosystem services
  • Urban and region adaptation to Climate change
  • Landscape planning and management
  • Historic areas and urban change
  • Policies of territory governance
  • Recovery, requalification and transformation of city e regions
  • Public spaces as common landscapes
  • Planning and territorial development


  • Design, construction and management of sustainable buildings
  • Sustainable residential typologies: Social housing
  • The “shapes” of the expanding city: characters and intervention methods
  • Environmentally friendly building techniques with low environmental impact
  • The envelope in contemporary architecture between language and construction
  • Technological and architectural characters for sustainable urban design
  • The retrieve of deteriorated environmental contexts with non-structural landscape interventions and environmentally friendly technologies
  • Architecture and the visual arts in the design of contemporary public buildings
  • Complex infrastructural places: characters of permanence and retraining opportunities
  • The design of infrastructural terminals: new spatialities and typological models
  • The reuse of derelict railways
  • The architectures for the health service: new users and building typologies
  • Design characters for high maintainability buildings
  • Evaluation of durability for building components
  • Climate change impact on the degradation of building envelopes
  • New technologies for the safe management of construction sites
  • Building Information Modelling
  • Innovation and sustainability in mortars and concretes
  • To recycle for sustainable building


  • Mechanical behavior of geomaterials: experimental analysis and modeling of the static and dynamic behavior of saturated and unsaturated soils, of continuous rocks and those crossed by discontinuities.
  • Geotechnical works: analysis and monitoring of the static and dynamic soil-structure interaction in shallow and deep foundations, support works, open pit excavations, tunnels and underground works, earth constructions, embankments and dams; analysis and monitoring of the interaction between geotechnical works and existing buildings; geotechnical works such as heat exchangers in geothermal heat pump systems (GSHP).
  • Earthquake geotechnical Engineering: analysis of the local seismic response and seismic microzonation; assessment of the susceptibility to liquefaction and the triggering of earthquake-induced landslides in a large area and at the scale of the building; monitoring and analysis of the behavior of geotechnical works under seismic actions.
  • Ground improvement: consolidation and reinforcement of soils and rocks; seismic geotechnical isolation and active and passive protection techniques from anthropic vibrations; liquefaction risk mitigation techniques; innovative biological and physico-chemical systems for soil consolidation.
  • Slope stability: slope behavior of unsaturated pyroclastic soils and in complex clayey formations; rock landslides and rapid flowslides; assessment of the susceptibility, hazard and risk of landslides in a large area and on artifacts and related thematic cartography; applications of remote monitoring techniques to the stability of the territory.
  • Rock masses: geometric and mechanical characterization of discontinuity systems and failure mechanisms; remote sensing techniques, photogrammetry and 3D models; karst-collapse sinkholes and anthropogenic sinkholes.
  • Hydrogeology: characterization of aquifers in different geological settings; assessment of groundwater resources, including  the climate change scenarios; hydrochemistry of groundwater and isotopes; mineral waters; geothermal; groundwater protection from contamination at a territorial level (assessment of vulnerability and pollution risk) and site (well protection areas).

Requirements: Master Degree or equivalent, knowledge of English (at least B2).
Admission methods: titles and oral exam.

Organization of the Ph.D. course

First Year
In the first year, to each student is assigned a tutor who will follow him throughout the three-year period. In this period, the research theme is identified and the state of the art is mostly completed. Moreover, the first year is also mostly devoted to educational activities, including both general topics propaedeutic to scientific research activities, and specific courses to deepen the specific sector of interest. Each course presents a final test. At the end of the year, the Ph.D. scientific committee evaluate the work done by each candidate on which bases his/her passage to the next year is discussed.

Second Year
The second year is mainly devoted to an in-depth study of the state of the art of the subject matter of the assigned scientific application and to the development of the methodologies needed to accomplish the thesis project. Reasoned synthesis of the state of the art in relation to the research topic and first results of this methodology development can be brought to the knowledge of the national and international scientific community.
In addition to the year-end evaluation, a further mid-year evaluation is scheduled, after around six month.

Third Year
In the third year, the methodological aspect related to the issues identified for the PhD dissertation will be thoroughly refined and results and conclusions of the research work will be finalized and presented to a main journal of the sector (10% percentile).
Even in the third year, there are two checkpoints. In particular, in the final evaluation concerning the whole Ph.D. path, the reviews received by the above journal will have to be showed. The thesis dissertation is also evaluated by two external reviewers.
Each candidate has to spend a period of at least 3 months abroad where improving his/her research through international cooperation.

Doctoral student satisfaction questionnaire

In order to improve the quality of the doctoral programme offered each year, the internal committee, in anticipation of the self-assessment questionnaire just finalised at University level, constructed its own self-assessment questionnaire and submitted it to all Ph.D students in the summer of 2023 (cycle XXXVI-XXXVIII). The questionnaire made it possible to identify the Course’s major critical points from the students’ point of view and to provide for its consistent reorganisation.

In particular, didactics has been enriched by keeping the Course’s website up to date, where it is possible to download the poster and detailed calendar of all the courses offered. In addition, team-building activities are being organised, in line with the Ph.D. students’ suggestions included in the free-form part of the questionnaire.

Ph.D. Cycles


Educational activities

The didactics of the PhD course in Civil Systems Engineering (ISC) has been designed in collaboration with the stakeholders, taking advantage of the many companies with which the course has built up ‘industrial’ research paths over the years.

The training project is also the result of the feedback received from PhD students in the self-evaluation questionnaire and is organised with 8 courses, for a total of 27 ETCS, of which:

4 compulsory courses for a total of 15 ETCS

compulsory courses in the fields of language (6 ETCS) and computer science (3 ETCS), as well as in the field of research management and knowledge of European and international research systems (3 ETCS) and the valorisation of research results and intellectual property (3 ETCS) are offered at the level of the Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School

4 elective courses for a total of 12 ETCS

these courses can be freely chosen from among all those offered for doctoral students worldwide and are designed to enrich the vertical education of doctoral students in the specific research path undertaken.

The lecturers of the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, in which the PhD course in Civil Systems Engineering is hinged, offer a series of ad hoc courses for PhD students, repeated on an annual or biennial basis and shown later. Consistent with the Athenaeum’s strategic plan, these courses are offered in hybrid mode, so that they can also be attended remotely. Also consistent with the University’s strategic plan, courses are offered on inter-, multi-, and trans-disciplinary topics, as well as on green topics, highlighted with the green character in the list below.


In the list of teachings to follow, colours indicate their significance:

Red – useful course for acquiring three mandatory “Informatics” credits

Yellow – useful course for acquiring three mandatory credits of “Research management, knowledge of research systems and financing systems”

Blue – useful course for acquiring three mandatory credits of “Exploitation of research results and intellectual property”

Green – “Green” course

List of coursis:


Ph.D. students


Educational activities

The didactics of the PhD course in Civil Systems Engineering (ISC) has been designed in collaboration with the stakeholders, taking advantage of the many companies with which the course has built up ‘industrial’ research paths over the years.

The training project is also the result of the feedback received from PhD students in the self-evaluation questionnaire and is organised with 8 courses, for a total of 27 ETCS, of which:

4 compulsory courses for a total of 15 ETCS

compulsory courses in the fields of language (6 ETCS) and computer science (3 ETCS), as well as in the field of research management and knowledge of European and international research systems (3 ETCS) and the valorisation of research results and intellectual property (3 ETCS) are offered at the level of the Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School

4 elective courses for a total of 12 ETCS

these courses can be freely chosen from among all those offered for doctoral students worldwide and are designed to enrich the vertical education of doctoral students in the specific research path undertaken.

The lecturers of the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, in which the PhD course in Civil Systems Engineering is hinged, offer a series of ad hoc courses for PhD students, repeated on an annual or biennial basis and shown later. Consistent with the Athenaeum’s strategic plan, these courses are offered in hybrid mode, so that they can also be attended remotely. Also consistent with the University’s strategic plan, courses are offered on inter-, multi-, and trans-disciplinary topics, as well as on green topics, highlighted with the green character in the list below.


In the list of teachings to follow, colours indicate their significance:

Red – useful course for acquiring three mandatory “Informatics” credits

Yellow – useful course for acquiring three mandatory credits of “Research management, knowledge of research systems and financing systems”

Blue – useful course for acquiring three mandatory credits of “Exploitation of research results and intellectual property”

Green – “Green” course

List of coursis:


  • Alessandra Cesaro
  • Alfonso Montella
  • Antonio Giuliano
  • Brigida Silvestri
  • Francesco Galante
  • Franco Polverino
  • Franesco Silvestri
  • Gennaro Nicola Bifulco
  • Gerardo Carpentieri
  • Gianfranco Urciuoli
  • Gianpiero Russo
  • Giovanni Esposito 
  • Ilaria Henke
  • Lilli Gargiulo 
  • Luca d’Acierno 
  • Luca Pagano 
  • Luigi Cimorelli
  • Luigi Pariota
  • Marcello Montanino
  • Marianna Pirone
  • Marilisa Botte
  • Massimiliano Fabbricino 
  • Roberto Castelluccio
  • Romano Fistola
  • Silvia Di Fabio
  • Silvia Rosa
  • Silvio Matassa
  • Stefano Papirio
  • Vicenzo Punzo 
  • Virginia Venezia
  • Vittorio Marzano

Ph.D. students

  • Seyedmehdi Atyabi
  • Carmen Averto
  • Eliana Basile
  • Chiara Belloni
  • Valeria Cosenza
  • Fabio Danilo Cristiano
  • Alessia De Falco
  • Luca De Matteis
  • Eleonora De Santis
  • Luca Di Costanzo
  • Paola Di Criscito
  • Simone Fucito
  • Mohammadreza Haghdoost
  • Davide Iannelli
  • Sebastiano Marra
  • Valerio Martinelli
  • Giulia Nardella
  • Ilaria Natale
  • Beatrice Notari
  • Stella Pennino
  • Felipe Rezende Da Costa
  • Annalisa Russo
  • Alessandra Marisa Tascione
  • Cristina Passerelli


Educational activities

The didactics of the PhD course in Civil Systems Engineering (ISC) has been designed in collaboration with the stakeholders, taking advantage of the many companies with which the course has built up ‘industrial’ research paths over the years.

The training project is also the result of the feedback received from PhD students in the self-evaluation questionnaire and is organised with 8 courses, for a total of 27 ETCS, of which:

4 compulsory courses for a total of 15 ETCS

compulsory courses in the fields of language (6 ETCS) and computer science (3 ETCS), as well as in the field of research management and knowledge of European and international research systems (3 ETCS) and the valorisation of research results and intellectual property (3 ETCS) are offered at the level of the Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School

4 elective courses for a total of 12 ETCS

these courses can be freely chosen from among all those offered for doctoral students worldwide and are designed to enrich the vertical education of doctoral students in the specific research path undertaken.

The lecturers of the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, in which the PhD course in Civil Systems Engineering is hinged, offer a series of ad hoc courses for PhD students, repeated on an annual or biennial basis and shown later. Consistent with the Athenaeum’s strategic plan, these courses are offered in hybrid mode, so that they can also be attended remotely. Also consistent with the University’s strategic plan, courses are offered on inter-, multi-, and trans-disciplinary topics, as well as on green topics, highlighted with the green character in the list below.


In the list of teachings to follow, colours indicate their significance:

Red – useful course for acquiring three mandatory “Informatics” credits

Yellow – useful course for acquiring three mandatory credits of “Research management, knowledge of research systems and financing systems”

Blue – useful course for acquiring three mandatory credits of “Exploitation of research results and intellectual property”

Green – “Green” course

List of coursis:


  • Alessandra Cesaro
  • Cino Bifulco
  • Cristiana Di Cristo
  • Floriana Zucaro
  • Francesco Pirozzi
  • Gianpiero Russo
  • Gigliola Ausiello
  • Giuseppe Del Giudice
  • Lilli Gargiulo
  • Marco Nicotera
  • Massimiliano Fabbricino
  • Pierpaolo D’Agostino
  • Roberto Castelluccio
  • Salvatore Manfreda
  • Silvio Matassa
  • Stefano Papirio
  • Stefano Sibilla
  • Vincenzo Punzo
  • Vittorio Marzano

Ph.D. students

  • Ceraso Annachiara
  • Cestaro Sabrina
  • D’Amico Annunziata
  • De Luca Manuel
  • Esposito Ilaria
  • Fraiese Mariacarla
  • Franzese Maria Giovanna
  • Grasso Francesco
  • Greco Antonio
  • Guida Nicola
  • Manzo Raffaele
  • Maraviglia Chiara
  • Marchetta Andrea
  • Marino Emanuele
  • Moradi Fatemeh
  • Paolella Giulia
  • Pelella Fabrizio
  • Santoro Enza
  • Sarwar Awais Naeem
  • Valizadeh Mehdi



Educational activities

The didactics of the PhD course in Civil Systems Engineering (ISC) has been designed in collaboration with the stakeholders, taking advantage of the many companies with which the course has built up ‘industrial’ research paths over the years.

The training project is also the result of the feedback received from PhD students in the self-evaluation questionnaire and is organised with 8 courses, for a total of 27 ETCS, of which:

4 compulsory courses for a total of 15 ETCS

compulsory courses in the fields of language (6 ETCS) and computer science (3 ETCS), as well as in the field of research management and knowledge of European and international research systems (3 ETCS) and the valorisation of research results and intellectual property (3 ETCS) are offered at the level of the Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School

4 elective courses for a total of 12 ETCS

these courses can be freely chosen from among all those offered for doctoral students worldwide and are designed to enrich the vertical education of doctoral students in the specific research path undertaken.

The lecturers of the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, in which the PhD course in Civil Systems Engineering is hinged, offer a series of ad hoc courses for PhD students, repeated on an annual or biennial basis and shown later. Consistent with the Athenaeum’s strategic plan, these courses are offered in hybrid mode, so that they can also be attended remotely. Also consistent with the University’s strategic plan, courses are offered on inter-, multi-, and trans-disciplinary topics, as well as on green topics, highlighted with the green character in the list below.


In the list of teachings to follow, colours indicate their significance:

Red – useful course for acquiring three mandatory “Informatics” credits

Yellow – useful course for acquiring three mandatory credits of “Research management, knowledge of research systems and financing systems”

Blue – useful course for acquiring three mandatory credits of “Exploitation of research results and intellectual property”

Green – “Green” course

List of coursis:


  • Andrea Papola
  • Alessandra Cesaro
  • Alfonso Montella 
  • Andrea Vacca
  • Armando Carravetta
  • Carlo Gualtieri
  • Cino Bifulco
  • Francesco De Paola
  • Francesco Silvestri
  • Gianluca Dell’Acqua
  • Luigi Stendardo
  • Marina Fumo
  • Oreste Fecarotta
  • Pierpaolo D’Agostino
  • Salvatore Biancardo
  • Salvatore Manfreda
  • Stefano Papirio

Ph.D. students

  • Scarano Antonella
  • Riccio Christian
  • Scotto Di Uccio Antonella
  • Del Gaudio Andrea
  • Miglino Domenico
  • Vindrola Pedro Gabriel
  • Domingos De Oliveira Luiz Eduardo
  • Barbagelata Juan Manuel
  • Montillo Renato
  • Diamantouli Eliki
  • Intignano Mattia
  • Ciotola Enrica
  • Trinchese Giuseppe
  • Elefante Erika
  • Ceccotti Maria Cristina



Educational activities



  • Alessandra Cesaro
  • Emilio Bilotta
  • Francesco Pirozzi
  • Gigliola Ausiello
  • Mariano Buccino
  • Giovanni Esposito
  • Lia Papa
  • Lilli Gargiulo
  • Luigi Frunzo
  • Luigi Pariota
  • Mariano Buccino
  • Pierpaolo D’Agostino
  • Roberto Castelluccio
  • Salvatore Biancardo
  • Stefano Papirio

Ph.D. students

  • Alessio Tesone
  • Alexandra Georganti Ntaliape
  • Anna Lanzetta
  • Carlo Moscariello
  • Castrese Andrea Di Mare
  • Diego Menegusso Pires
  • Francesco Sommese
  • Gennaro Trancone
  • Gianluigi Della Ragione
  • Nicola Di Costanzo
  • Ruohan Li
  • Sabrina Sgambati
  • Samuel Arhin
  • Sara Tuozzo
  • Susan George
  • Tomas Enrique Martinez Chao
  • Veronica Valdasso
  • Waheed Imran



Educational activities

The teaching activity expected for the first year (2014) entails the participation to:
6 Required Courses (21 CFU):
Course of Ricerca operativa e ottimizzazione (3 CFU) – prof. Antonio Sforza – 9 to 25 September 2014
Course of EuroProgettazione (3 CFU) – Dott. Gianpaolo Varchetta – from 17 to 30 October 2014
Course of Statistica e Applicazioni (3 CFU) – Coordinatori prof. Pasquale Erto e Roberta Siciliano – from 4 November 2014 and February 19, 2015
Individual course of Spoken English (6 ECTS credits) – January to June 2015
Course of Sistemi Informativi Geografici (GIS) I Livello (3 CFU) – prof. Daniela Ducci – 20 January to 2 February 2015
Course of Osservazione della Terra: sensori, immagini e opportunità (Telerilevamento e GIS) (3 CFU) – Prof. Daniele Riccio e Ing. Giuseppe Ruello – 3 to 12 February 2015 (Offered as an alternative to the Course of Sistemi Informativi Geografici (GIS) I Livello)
Course of Valorizzare i risultati della ricerca e della proprietà intellettuale (3 CFU) – June 2015
2 Courses to choose from:
Course of I processi decisionali pubblici per il territorio e le infrastrutture. Modelli razionali, Public Engagement e ruolo (3 CFU) – prof. Ennio Cascetta – from April 4 to May 9, 2014
Course of Smart City Manager (3 CFU) – Advanced Training Course postgraduate – from June 24 to July 24, 2014
Course of Teoria degli Errori nelle Misure Sperimentali (3 CFU) – prof. Paola Gualtieri – 3 to 15 September 2014
Course of Smart City Manager (3 CFU) – Corso di Alta Formazione post-universitaria – 9 to 24 September 2014
Course of Project Management – Prof. Guido Capaldo – from January 30 to February 27 2015
Course of Decision Aiding with Multiple Criteria – Prof. Giuseppe Bruno – from 3 to 26 February 2015
Course of Fondamenti di MatLab e programmazione – Prof. Alessandra d’Alessio – March / April 2015
Thematic seminars:
Modelling and Simulation of Transportation Networks , 19 – 23 May 2014
Cycle International Seminars: SEM Smart Energy Master – from 20 May to 30 September 2014:
Smart City: the experience of the Senseable City Lab Prof. Carlo Ratti City Lab Director – Massachusetts Institute of Technology 20 May 2014 – ore 14.30-16.30 – DICEA P.le Tecchio, 80 – 9th floor Classroom TemaLab
ITC for Smart Cities Prof. Roberto Laurini LIRIS – Bât. Blaise Pascal de Lyon – Université de Lyon (Francia) 21 May 2014 – ore 15.00 – 19.00 – DICEA P.le Tecchio, 80 – 9th floor Classroom TemaLab
Smart City for Sustainable Development Prof. Mark Deakin Department of Built Environment – Edinburgh Napier University 3 June 2014 – ore 9.00 – 13.00 – DICEA P.le Tecchio, 80 – 9th floor Classroom TemaLab
Smart City: new Media for Social Participation Prof. Derrick De Kerckhove Papamarkou Chair in Technology and Education at the Library of Congress Washington Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology at the University of Toronto 12 June 2014 – ore 15.00 – 19.00 – DICEA P.le Tecchio, 80 – 9th floor Classroom TemaLab
Smart and resilient city Prof. Thomas Elmqvist Professor in Natural Resource Management at Stockholm University and Theme Leader Urban social-ecological systems and globalization at the Stockholm Resilience Center 30 September 2014 – ore 9.00 – 13.00 – DICEA P.le Tecchio, 80 – 9th floor Classroom TemaLab
A series of seminars on Sicurezza stradale Simulazione del traffico – from 18 to 20 June 2014:
Special topics in modelling road safety. Part I: The impact of crisis on road safety. Part II: Quantifying the value of avoiding a traffic fatality – Wednesday, June 18;
Calibration and validation of traffic simulation models: requirements of a reliable tool for road safety modelling – Thursday, June 19;
Macroscopic traffic safety data analysis and prediction – Friday, June 20.
A series of seminars on Future Urban Mobility: Alcune frontiere della ricerca per la mobilità urbana. I sistemi di carsharing con veicoli autonomi e nuovi algoritmi di controllo delle reti semaforiche, PROF. ING. EMILIO FRAZZOLI, 9 July 2014 – ore 15:00, Via Claudio 21, Aula Croce Ed.8 P.T.
Seminar Construction Manager/General Contractor – Lecture Prof. Ing. Giovanni Ciro Migliaccio, University of Washington
25 luglio 2014 – Ore 10 Aula C5A, Via Claudio 21
Seminar Modelling Road-Related Air Pollution – Lecture Prof. Raimundas Juneviius, 9 ottobre 2014 – Ore 11.30-16.30 Aula Grande 2° piano, Edificio 5 – Via Claudio 21
The students may be allowed to carry out tutoring and integrative teaching activities according to the regulations (not exceeding 40 hours).

Board committee


Ph.D. students

Annalisa Agresta


Francesco Abbondati


Gennaro Angiello


Gerardo Carpentieri


Maria Chiara Conte


Andrea D’Aniello


Ilaria Henke


Francesco Pugliese


Laura Russo



Organization of courses and educational activities

The teaching activity expected for the first year (2014) entails the participation to:

6 Required Courses (21 CFU):
Individual course of Spoken English (6 ECTS credits)
Course of Ricerca operativa e ottimizzazione (3 CFU)
Course of Gestione della ricerca, della conoscenza dei sistemi di ricerca e dei sistemi di finanziamento (3 CFU)
Course of Statistica e Applicazioni (3 CFU) – Coordinatori prof. Pasquale Erto e Roberta Siciliano – from November 4 2014 to February 19 2015
Course of Sistemi Informativi Geografici (GIS) 1st Level (3 CFU) – prof. Daniela Ducci – 12 to 30 January 2015
Course of Osservazione della Terra: sensori, immagini e opportunità (Telerilevamento e GIS) (3 CFU) – Prof. Daniele Riccio e Ing. Giuseppe Ruello – 3 to 12 February 2015 (Offered as an alternative to the Course of Sistemi Informativi Geografici (GIS) I Livello)
Course of Valorizzare i risultati della ricerca e della proprietà intellettuale (3 CFU) – June 2015

2 Courses to be chosen from a set of offers

Project Management – Prof. Guido Capaldo – from January 30 to February 27 2015
Course of Decision Aiding with Multiple Criteria – Prof. Giuseppe Bruno – from 3 to 26 February 2015
Course of Fondamenti di MatLab e programmazione – Prof. Alessandra d’Alessio – March / April 2015

Thematic seminars
The students may be allowed to carry out tutoring and integrative teaching activities according to the regulations (not exceeding 40 hours).

Board committee


Ph.D. students

Marilisa Botte    


Mohammad Daliri    


Vincenzo Luongo    


Claudio Scognamillo    



Organization of courses and educational activities didattica


Board committee


Ph.D. students

Farhad  Bahmanpouri

Gerardo  Caroppi

Fiore Tinessa

Maria Rosa Tremiterra


Organization of courses and educational activities

n. 4 Mandatory Courses:
Businesses and Research (4CFU) – Dr. Marco Frizzarin, Ernst & Young Business Manager
Communicating and disseminating your research work (3 CFUs) – Prof. Mo Mansouri
– Customized course of “Spoken English” (6 CFU) – CLA
– A computer science course to be selected from:– I-BIM: Infrastructure-Building Information Modeling – ing. Salvatore Antonio Biancardo
– Advanced Modeling for City and Territory (3 CFU) – ing. Pierpaolo D’Agostino
– Global Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification (3 CFU) – Prof. Mrinal K.
– Introduction to MatLab (3 CFU) – Prof. Alessandra d’Alessio
– Strumenti e software GIS (3 CFU) – prof. Marialuce Stanganelli
– Earth Observation: Sensors, Images and Opportunities (Remote Sensing and GIS) (3 CFU) – Prof. Daniele Riccio and Ing. Giuseppe Ruello

n. 4 Courses to be selected from a list offering at the moment:
– Decision Aiding with Multiple Criteria (3 CFU) – Prof. Giuseppe Bruno
– Modelli, metodi e software per l’Ottimizzazione (Modulo 1) (3 CFU) – prof. Antonio Sforza
– Modelli, metodi e software per l’Ottimizzazione (Modulo 2) (4 CFU) – prof. Claudio Sterle

– Introduzione al Matlab (3 CFU) – prof. Alessandra D’Alessio
– Advanced Matlab for transport engineers (3 CFU) – prof. Vittorio Marzano
– I-BIM: Infrastructure-Building Information Modelling (3 CFU) – prof. Salvatore Biancardo
– Modellazione avanzata per la cittĂ  e il territorio (3 CFU) – prof. Pierpaolo D’Agostino
– Metodi avanzati per le analisi di sicurezza stradale (3 CFU) – Ing. Filomena Mauriello
– Metodi e strumenti per la simulazione di guida (3 CFU) – Ing. Francesco Galante
– Advanced topics in environmental hydraulics (3 CFU) – prof. Carlo Gualtieri

– Environmental fluid dynamics (3 CFU) – prof. Massimo Greco
– Patologie da umiditĂ  sulle murature e sui sistemi di risanamento (3 CFU) – prof. Roberto Castelluccio
– Strumenti e software GIS (3 CFU) – prof. Marialuce Stanganelli

Board committee


Ph.D. students

Sara Gargano

Adriana Luciano

Rossella Marmo

Ivo Martone

Lucia Mele

Rosa Morosini

Daniela Tocchi

Veronica Vitiello

Sara Guerra De Oliveira


Organization of courses and educational activities

n. 4 Mandatory Courses:
Communicating and disseminating your research work (3 CFUs) – Prof. Mo Mansouri
Management del Trasferimento Tecnologico (3 CFU) dott. Giovanni Landi
– Customized course of Spoken English (6 CFU) – CLA
– A computer science course to be selected from:

  • Global Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification (3 CFU)Prof. Mrinal K.
  • I-BIM: Infrastructure-Building Information Modeling – ing. Salvatore Antonio Biancardo
  • Introduzione al MatLab (3 CFU) – Prof. Alessandra d’Alessio
  • Modellazione avanzata per la cittĂ  e il territorio (3 CFU)ing. Pierpaolo D’Agostino
  • Osservazione della Terra: sensori, immagini e opportunitĂ  (Telerilevamento e GIS) (3 CFU) – Prof. Daniele Riccio e Ing. Giuseppe Ruello
  • Strumenti e software GIS (3 CFU) – prof. Marialuce Stanganelli

n. 4 Courses to be selected from a list offering at the moment:

  • Advanced Matlab for transport engineers (3 CFU) – prof. Vittorio Marzano
  • Advanced topics in environmental hydraulics (3 CFU) – prof. Carlo Gualtieri
  • Decision Aiding with Multiple Criteria (3 CFU) – Prof. Giuseppe Bruno
  • Environmental fluid dynamics (6 CFU) – prof. Massimo Greco
  • I sistemi di trasporto ferroviari (3 CFU) – ing. Marilisa Botte, prof. Salvatore Strano, prof. Mario Pagano
  • I-BIM: Infrastructure-Building Information Modelling (3 CFU) – prof. Salvatore Biancardo
  • Introduzione al Matlab (3 CFU) – prof. Alessandra D’Alessio
  • Metodi avanzati per le analisi di sicurezza stradale (3 CFU) – Ing. Filomena Mauriello
  • Metodi e strumenti per la simulazione di guida (3 CFU) – Ing. Francesco Galante
  • Modellazione avanzata per la cittĂ  e il territorio (3 CFU) – prof. Pierpaolo D’Agostino
  • Modelli, metodi e software per l’Ottimizzazione (Modulo 1) (3 CFU) – prof. Antonio Sforza
  • Modelli, metodi e software per l’Ottimizzazione (Modulo 2) (4 CFU) – prof. Claudio Sterle
  • Patologie da umiditĂ  sulle murature e sui sistemi di risanamento (3 CFU) – prof. Roberto Castelluccio
  • Percorsi di conoscenza verso l’innovazione (3 CFU) – prof. Gigliola Ausiello
  • Strumenti e software GIS (3 CFU) – prof. Marialuce Stanganelli

Board committee


Ph.D. students

Lucia Coppola

Roberto Landolfi

Federica Vitale

Ciro Buonocore

Grazia Policastro

Maria Rella Riccardi

Margherita Carmen Ciccaglione

Carmen Guida

Nunzio Viscione

Giovanni Ruggiero

Yao Sicong

Guadalupe Torre

Gigliola D’angelo


Organization of courses and educational activities

n. 4 Mandatory Courses:
Communicating and disseminating your research work (3 CFUs) – Prof. Mo Mansouri
Management del Trasferimento Tecnologico (3 CFU) dott. Giovanni Landi
– Customized course of Spoken English (6 CFU) – CLA
– A computer science course to be selected from:

  • Global Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification (3 CFU)Prof. Mrinal K.
  • I-BIM: Infrastructure-Building Information Modeling – ing. Salvatore Antonio Biancardo
  • Introduzione al MatLab (3 CFU) – Prof. Alessandra d’Alessio
  • Modellazione avanzata per la cittĂ  e il territorio (3 CFU)ing. Pierpaolo D’Agostino
  • Osservazione della Terra: sensori, immagini e opportunitĂ  (Telerilevamento e GIS) (3 CFU) – Prof. Daniele Riccio e Ing. Giuseppe Ruello
  • Strumenti e software GIS (3 CFU) – prof. Marialuce Stanganelli

n. 4 Courses to be selected from a list offering at the moment:

  • Advanced Matlab for transport engineers (3 CFU) – prof. Vittorio Marzano
  • Advanced topics in environmental hydraulics (3 CFU) – prof. Carlo Gualtieri
  • Decision Aiding with Multiple Criteria (3 CFU) – Prof. Giuseppe Bruno
  • Environmental fluid dynamics (6 CFU) – prof. Massimo Greco
  • I sistemi di trasporto ferroviari (3 CFU) – ing. Marilisa Botte, prof. Salvatore Strano, prof. Mario Pagano
  • I-BIM: Infrastructure-Building Information Modelling (3 CFU) – prof. Salvatore Biancardo
  • Introduzione al Matlab (3 CFU) – prof. Alessandra D’Alessio
  • Metodi avanzati per le analisi di sicurezza stradale (3 CFU) – Ing. Filomena Mauriello
  • Metodi e strumenti per la simulazione di guida (3 CFU) – Ing. Francesco Galante
  • Modellazione avanzata per la cittĂ  e il territorio (3 CFU) – prof. Pierpaolo D’Agostino
  • Modelli, metodi e software per l’Ottimizzazione (Modulo 1) (3 CFU) – prof. Antonio Sforza
  • Modelli, metodi e software per l’Ottimizzazione (Modulo 2) (4 CFU) – prof. Claudio Sterle
  • Patologie da umiditĂ  sulle murature e sui sistemi di risanamento (3 CFU) – prof. Roberto Castelluccio
  • Percorsi di conoscenza verso l’innovazione (3 CFU) – prof. Gigliola Ausiello
  • Strumenti e software GIS (3 CFU) – prof. Marialuce Stanganelli


Board committee


Ph.D. students

Angelo Avino

Antonello Cerbone

Manuela Compagnone

Simeone De Simone

Elena Del Gaudio

Milad Abdollahpour Kohnehshahri

Roberta Ferraiuolo

Cristina Oreto

Dina Pirone

Filomena Sabatino

Gaetano Zaccaria

Calls and Admissions


PhD Call and Attachment A

Titles evaluation results XXXIX cycle

Results of the oral exam XXXIX cycle

Projects sheets