Current research


GIANO – Geo-rIsks Assessment and mitigatioN for the prOtection of cultural heritage


Geotecnica – ICAR/07





Importo progetto

873 k€

Finanziamento per DICEA

150 k€

Responsabile scientifico DICEA

Alessandro Flora

Responsabile scientifico Nazionale:

Alessandro Flora, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Napoli Federico II


The Project GIANO is aimed at safeguarding the historical built heritage on the Italian territory, often strongly affected by geotechnical instabilities (differential settlements, slope instability, subsidence, liquefaction, seismic events, presence of natural and anthropogenic cavities). The research will evaluate the vulnerability of some architectural assets (single buildings, towers, walls, bridges, underground structures, widespread settlements) selected as representative of the Italian historical heritage, and it will identify for them the most suitable mitigation techniques to safeguard their structural, historical, and architectural integrity from Geo-Risks.


UniversitĂ  di NAPOLI FEDERICO II (PI), UniversitĂ  di PAVIA, UniversitĂ  di ROMA LA SAPIENZA, UniversitĂ  di NAPOLI PARTHENOPE, UniversitĂ  GUGLIELMO MARCONI.


MIETC – Project Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries


Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica – ICAR/20


ERASMUS+ Key Action2

Importo progetto

807 K (Finaziamento 80 K)

Partecipanti progetto

Carmela Gargiulo (responsabile scientifico), Gerardo Carpentieri, Federica Gaglione, Carmen Guida, Sabrina Sgambati, Floriana Zucaro


MIETC – Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries is a capacity building project funded by the Europenan Union (EU) to strengthen academic capacity of Higher Education Institutions, HEIs, in Industrial Entrepreneurships in Central Asia (Kazakshstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. In the framework of this project European Institutions AYeconomics, University of Ljubljana, University of Naples Federico II and University of Santiago de Compostela will help Central Asia HEIs to develop and implement an interdisciplinary Master program and to establish sustainable cooperation between partner´s HEI and labor market. The purpose behind the MIETC project is to build the capacity of the human capital in the HEIs of Central Asian countries on industrial entrepreneurship aiming to provide students skills and competencies more aligned to the needs of their labour markets. There are two types of human capital, especially the difference is very obvious at industrial sectors: generation of specialists who received education in Soviet Union time and young generation graduated during Independence time. The Soviet education system produced good technical specialists but lacking market skills. On the other hand, since the independence the education system has been worsen significantly by decreasing of funding into education and research, by corruption and not transparent governance. The private sector usually not consider academy as a source of the best expertise and research capability. The lack of market-oriented education is among the reasons of mismatch of education and labour market. Moreover, education materials and teaching methodology are outdated considerably.


Mix design di strati di base e binder di pavimentazioni stradali con impiego di ceneri pesanti da Termovalorizzatore


Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti – ICAR/04


A2A Ambiente

Importo progetto

30 K


Il progetto di ricerca intende approfondire i principi dell’economia circolare per le procedure di mix design delle miscele di conglomerato bituminoso ad uso stradale per strati di binder e base con impiego di ceneri pesanti da Termovalorizzatore.

Stone Pavements, History, Conservation, Valorisation and Design


Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti – ICAR/04



Importo progetto

580 K


The proposal, which sees the synergy of five specialized and complementary Research Units, intends to reach the scientific and therefore systematic examination of the process of studying the stone roads. Starting from the ancient Roman stone roads that, in a completely innovative way, will be subjected, for the first time, to structural analysis with advanced non invasive investigation tools. The research team will put in place advanced geometric survey strategies and the same futuristic graphic and 3D physical restitution technique around the fascinating pavements of the Roman road network, which has very different constructive and constitutive features. In doing so, the research team aims to attain the reconstruction of laboratory-scale models and the real size of pilot logs for advanced mechanical studies. These strategies and techniques are described and managed by original I-BIM and H-BIM tools which are invariably supervised by archaeologists, researchers of the survey and the science of conservation of Cultural Heritage.

INSIST – Sistema di monitoraggio INtelligente per la SIcurezza delle infraSTrutture urbane


Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti – ICAR/04


Progetto di Ricerca Industriale e non preponderante Sviluppo Sperimentale, area di specializzazione Smart Secure & Inclusive Communities, domanda di agevolazione contrassegnata dal codice identificativo ARS01_00913

Importo progetto

3.755 K


Il progetto prevede un’attivitĂ  di ricerca e sviluppo di sistemi di monitoraggio innovativi su strutture e infrastrutture in ambito urbano, quali edifici, ponti e gallerie. Il sistema di monitoraggio si basa sull’utilizzo di sensori innovativi a basso costo (inclinometri, accelerometri e sensori di pressione) da inserire in maniera estesa nelle strutture. I dati registrati dai singoli sensori saranno inviati a concentratori e da lĂŹ trasferiti in ambiente cloud. I dati potranno essere elaborati attraverso modelli strutturali direttamente nel cloud, in modo da avere una verifica della sicurezza strutturale in tempo reale. Ad ogni livello del sistema (sensori, concentratori e ovviamente cloud) sarĂ  associata una capacitĂ  di elaborazione in modo da far funzionare il sistema come un unicum dotato di intelligenza. Il sistema permette di auto-gestire il sistema di monitoraggio e trasformare i dati in parametri strutturali in grado di fornire un’indicazione quantitativa sulla sicurezza. Ciò consente di sviluppare un innovativo modello di monitoraggio in grado di gestire un grande quantitĂ  di dati e, grazie allo sviluppo di modelli matematici che possono fornire intelligenza artificiale al sistema, capace di gestire la sicurezza, la manutenzione predittiva, le soglie di allarme e le possibili problematiche presenti. Nell’ambito del progetto verrĂ  prestata attenzione ad una serie di tipologie strutturali che possono essere critiche in ambiente urbano: – edifici in muratura; – edifici in calcestruzzo armato; – edifici in acciaio, con particolare riguardo alle strutture provvisionali; – ponti; – gallerie, con particolare riguardo a quelle delle linee metropolitane o ferroviarie. Attraverso l’applicazione di sistemi di monitoraggio intelligenti, dette strutture potranno essere trasformate in smart structure in grado non solo di verificare la loro sicurezza strutturale in tempo reale, ma anche monitorare l’ambiente circostante (grazie anche alla possibile introduzione in maniera diffusa delle smart structure in ambito urbano).


Polimeri di modifica di bitumi e miscele in conglomerato


Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti – ICAR/04



Importo progetto

Non oneroso


Lo studio si focalizza sulle tecnologie eco-sostenibili da adottare nel processo di mix design dei conglomerati bituminosi ad uso stradale, con particolare riferimento all’impiego di residui da demolizione e costruzione di opere civili, fresato, plastica, al fine di indagare l’efficacia di nuovi polimeri di modifica delle miscele che siano tecnologicamente innovativi, da un lato, e contribuiscano, dall’altro, a migliorarne le proprietà meccaniche ed eco-sostenibili finali del prodotto.

Progetto GRISIS POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014 – 2020 Gestione dei Rischi e Sicurezza delle Infrastrutture a Scala Regionale


Geologia applicata – GEO/05



Importo progetto


Progetto METROPOLIS PON 03PE_00093_4, Metodologie e tecnologie Integrate e Sostenibili per l’Adattamento e la Sicurezza di Sistemi Urbani


Geologia applicata – GEO/05



Importo progetto





Idraulica – ICAR/01


EU’s Atlantic Area co-operation programme 2014-2020

Importo progetto

2,9 M


Il progetto REDAWN intende sviluppare un ambiente istituzionale, sociale e tecnologico adeguato per l’incremento della efficienza energetica delle reti idriche nei settori idropotabile, irriguo, delle acque reflue e industriali.L’industria dei servizi idrici rappresenta il quarto settore europeo come uso intensivo delle risorse energetiche ed è responsabile nell’Unione Europea di un considerevole contributo alle emissioni di CO2. L’impiego di tecnologie adeguate a basso costo in impianti di micro generazione consentirĂ  il recupero energetico nei punti in cui la pressione in rete è maggiore di quella ottimale, consentendo, altresĂŹ la riduzione dell’impatto del settore sull’ambiente, dei costi di gestione del servizio idrico e dei costi per l’utenza.


StabilitĂ  e sicurezza del territorio


Geotecnica – ICAR/07


Importo progetto


Il gruppo di ricerca costituito da M.V. Nicotera, L. Pagano e G. Urciuoli si occupa di stabilità e sicurezza del territorio rispetto a possibili dissesti del sottosuolo e dei pendii e svolge in particolare le seguenti attività: i) monitoraggio ed analisi di stabilità dei pendii (con particolare riferimento alle colate di fango nei terreni piroclastici ed alle colate di argilla); ii) interpretazione del comportamento degli interventi di stabilizzazione dei pendii sulla base di dati di monitoraggio; iii) sperimentazione sui terreni vulcanici in regime di parziale saturazione. In particolare le attività riguardano lo studio degli aspetti meccanici e cinematici delle frane di colata di argilla e l’interpretazione del loro comportamento sulla base del monitoraggio di alcuni siti interessati da frane. Per quanto riguarda le frane di colata rapida in terreni piroclastici, il gruppo svolge un’ampia attività sperimentale di laboratorio sui terreni parzialmente saturi e si occupa dell’analisi dell’innesco di queste frane in risposta ad eventi meteorologici particolarmente gravosi, individuando le condizioni favorevoli alla rottura. I risultati di queste ricerche vengono utilizzati in ambito socio-economico, per lo sviluppo di sistemi di early warning per la gestione delle aree minacciate da frane pericolose per la vita umana e per la messa a punto di interventi innovativi per la mitigazione del rischio di frana.

LIQUEFACT Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction potential across Europe: a holistic approach to protect structures / infrastructures for improved resilience to earthquake-induced liquefaction disasters


Geotecnica – ICAR/07



Importo progetto

615 K


Over the past decade, earthquakes proved to be the deadliest of all European disasters, with almost 19,000 fatalities and direct economic losses of approx. euro;29 billion. Earthquake Induced Liquefaction Disasters (EILDs) is responsible for tremendous amounts of the structural damages and fatalities; with experiences from recent events giving example of where approx. half of the economic loss was directly caused by liquefaction. Liquefaction is a phenomenon, with previously a low profile until recent earthquake events, in which the stiffness and strength of soil is reduced by seismic activity. With the causes of Liquefaction being known, it is important to recognize the factors that contribute to its occurrence; as well as the resulting hazards. The theory on how to address the subject has been comprehensive, as well as the engineering to reduce its consequences of liquefaction already developed; however, recent findings and advances need to be accurately examined in order to implement mitigation strategies practically. A systematic approach is needed for assessing the possibility of liquefaction on a site, prior to construction, then implementing the most appropriate liquefaction mitigation techniques. However, the variability of circumstances, invariably translates to multiple approaches of implementation, based on the susceptibility of the location to liquefaction, as well as the type and size of structure. The LIQUEFACT project addresses the mitigation of risks to EILD events in European communities with a holistic approach. The project not only deals with the resistance of structures to EILD events, but also, the resilience of the collective urban community in relation to their quick recovery from an occurrence. The LIQUEFACT project sets out to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of EILDs, the applications of the mitigation techniques, and the development of more appropriate techniques tailored to each specific scenario, for both Europe and global.




Geotecnica – ICAR/07



Importo progetto

258 K


Training Engineers and Researchers to Rethink geotechnical Engineering for a low carbon future.



Geotecnica – ICAR/07


POR Campania

Importo progetto

1501 K


Trattamenti Colonnari per l’Isolamento Sismico e Idraulico.

Definizione dei valori di fondo per le acque dei corpi idrici sotterranei significativi della Regione Campania e eventuale proposizione di nuovi valori soglia


Geologia applicata – GEO/05


Importo progetto

43 K





Trasporti – ICAR/05



Importo progetto

350 K


Italy is known in the world as the richest touristic territory having most of historical sites. At the same time commercial activities and brands represent a real asset and an opportunity to better exploit within the European community and beyond. An essential factor to enhance the access to these resources is represented by the logistics system of transportation, to which increasing efficiency and sustainability are being demanded. In the chain of the logistics nodes in a domestic transportation system, today the airport is a key entity, as it provides much faster links and exchanges than the other modes, and, given the liberalization of the air transport market, even at much lower costs than in the past years. These aspects, with the pervasive effects of markets globalization, have produced an increase in demand, resulting in a growth of air traffic. Despite the current effects of the global economic crisis, reliable forecasts see a doubling of traffic by 2020.In this context, the chronic suffering of the airport sites in terms of efficiency, safety and sustainability shows increasingly critical levels, creating inefficiencies for passengers as well as goods. Airport sites represent a real bottleneck of the whole chain of the air transport system and the global improvement in the efficiency of the air segment is more and more dependent on the performance level offered by the airport sites themselves. The project aims at investigating and proposing innovative solutions on the aspects identified as limiting the efficient management of the Airport, and, more in general, limiting the efficiency of the overall transportation system. On the one hand, in fact, the project will study and propose innovative technological solutions to improve the functionality, efficiency, safety and sustainability of the individual airport services, and on the other it will design and implement a technological modular scalable and configurable layer capable of: activating a flow of information among the various departments / heterogeneous subsystems operating in the airport; defining, instantiating, monitoring and orchestrating- in an automatic and semi-automatic manner (ie human-in-loop)- airport processes fed by information produced by the subsystems in order to optimize the operation and functionality of the airport; creating capabilities of semantic data fusion able to generate enriched data based on the elementary information gathered; creating predictive capabilities for the dynamic definition of the current and prospective scenarios. The platform will operate as an airport orchestrator analyzing the information provided by the various subsystems of the stakeholders, and depending on the outcome of this phase it will implement appropriate actions towards the stakeholders involved in the process, to increase their awareness and enable an extended collaborative decision making process.



Trasporti – ICAR/05



Importo progetto

– (Finanziamento 190 K)


The project APPS4Safety – Active Preventive Passive Solutions for Safety: an integrated approach to develop safer cars is finalized to evolve the automotive design and validation process with the aim to include virtual engineering methods and tools that can help the development of technologies and systems for a safer car with respect to the passive, active and preventive safety performance requirements.EndFragment The project will address research items with a multidisciplinary approach, which includeS analysis of hospital data records from accidents databases; clustering of accidents into transport scenarios according to their characteristics; mechanical design of structural components of the vehicles; identification and/or development of technologies and systems for active and preventive safety; usage of driver in the loop simulators for the assessment of those systems; definition of test procedures for these systems in virtual environment, laboratory and on the vehicle. The approach passes through a multiple shift of testing environments, from road to lab to virtual, which necessarily requests the qualification of each one of them in order to give the necessary level of confidence of the demonstrated safety performance results.



Geologia applicata – GEO/05



Importo progetto


Groundwater monitoring



Trasporti – ICAR/05



Importo progetto

225 K


Study of a railway signaling system based on the innovative use of satellite technologies and on their integration with ground technologies.



Trasporti – ICAR/05



Importo progetto





Geotecnica – ICAR/07


FP7 People 2013

Importo progetto

63 K


GREAT – Geotechnical and geological Responses to climate change: Exchanging Approaches and Technologies on a world-wide scale.



Geotecnica – ICAR/07



Importo progetto

150 K


Studio ed analisi di interventi con iniezioni soffici nel sottosuolo.

Caratterizzazione chimica delle acque di falda della Piana Campana per l’identificazione delle impronte chimiche ‘naturali’ ai fini della valutazione dei valori soglia di alcuni ioni indicatori di contaminazione antropica e di una successiva calibrazione


Geologia applicata – GEO/05


Campania Region

Importo progetto

390 K


Port Community System


Trasporti – ICAR/05


ERDF funding (Programme MED) + national cofinancing

Importo progetto

150 K




Idraulica – ICAR/01



Importo progetto

3500 K





Idraulica – ICAR/01



Importo progetto

2500 K





Trasporti – ICAR/05



Importo progetto

200 K
