The Library of the Department of Civil Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering  manages, improves and spreads the bibliographic and documentary heritage, in digital and printed format, to support the needs of the scientific research and teaching activity carried out in the Department.
The Library privileges the range of scientific subjects dealt with by the Department:
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Architecture and Town Planning,
Hydraulic Engineering,
Infrastructure and Transportation, Buildings Technology,
Health Engineering.
The Library contains over 47,000 volumes, including monographic books and journals, and is divided into the following scientific-disciplinary sections:
Transportation Engineering “Luigi Tocchetti” – Via Claudio, 21 – building 2
Hydraulic, Geotehcnical and Environmental Engineering – Via Claudio, 21 – building 5
Urban and Regional Planning – Piazzale Tecchio, 80 – V floor
Building Engineering – Piazzale Tecchio, 80 – VIII floor
The Library is included in the Federico II University Library System, managed by the University Libraries Centre, and belongs to the Library of Engineering, implementing shared policies and activities for rationalization and improvement of services.